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TransportSoldier Config Entry Problem

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Hello and thank you for reading,


I am currently working on a decently large project that included an extraction script. The script is supposed to send a helicopter with a sufficient amount of seats to pickup a group. However, since the introduction of firing from vehicles, there is an issue. The config entry "TransportSoldier" no longer represents a real amount of passenger seats in a vehicle. The entry only accounts for seats where FFV is unavailable. This makes it impossible for my script to ever use the MH-9 or many of the RHS vehicles because they use a lot of ffv slots.


I'll give an example below:

if ( (getNumber(_vehicle >> "transportSoldier")) >= (count (units _extractGroup)) ) then {extractNames = extractNames + [configName _vehicle]}; //The MH-9 only has 2 non FFV seats so it is almost never in the array

I am aware that there is already a ticket open for this but it is getting little attention and I doubt this is a priority at all for the Devs right now. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21602


Thank you in advance if anyone can think of a work around for this that doesn't involve spawning each vehicle and using emptyPositions.




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So you're saying BIS_fnc_getTurrets cannot get only the FFV turrets, so you cannot just add "transportSoldier" and BIS_fnc_getTurrets FFV results?


You can do this with my scripting library and framework (link in my sig):

((getNumber (_vehicle >> "transportSoldier")) + (count ([_vehicle, "CargoFFV"] call Zen_GetTurretPaths))

If you cannot/don't want to use my entire framework in your project, I can make a standalone implementation of Zen_GetTurretPaths for you.  However, I would recommend also looking at the nearly 200 other functions my framework offers to see if any others can help you.

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_vehType = "B_Heli_Light_01_F";
_baseCfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehType;

_numCargo = count("
	if ( isText(_x >> 'proxyType') && { getText(_x >> 'proxyType') isEqualTo 'CPCargo' } ) then {
"configClasses ( _baseCfg >> "Turrets" )) + getNumber ( _baseCfg >> "transportSoldier" );

Checks each turret of the vehicle to see if they are CPCargo and adds transportSoldiers. Think that works out right for most vehicles. Tested against B_Heli_Light_01_F and B_Truck_01_transport_F.

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_vehType = "B_Heli_Light_01_F";
_baseCfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehType;

_numCargo = count("
	if ( isText(_x >> 'proxyType') && { getText(_x >> 'proxyType') isEqualTo 'CPCargo' } ) then {
"configClasses ( _baseCfg >> "Turrets" )) + getNumber ( _baseCfg >> "transportSoldier" );

Checks each turret of the vehicle to see if they are CPCargo and adds transportSoldiers. Think that works out right for most vehicles. Tested against B_Heli_Light_01_F and B_Truck_01_transport_F.


Thanks Larrow, this sounds like it will work. I'll try it in my script tomorrow.

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