masterantony 12 Posted July 27, 2015 (edited) Hello guys. I have problem with fastrope script. Work all but the problem is that does not stick to the rope, down in the air. #define MAX_SPEED_WHILE_FASTROPING 10 #define MAX_SPEED_ROPES_AVAIL 30 #define STR_TOSS_ROPES "Toss Ropes" #define STR_FAST_ROPE "Fast Rope" #define STR_CUT_ROPES "Cut Ropes" if (isdedicated) exitwith {}; waituntil {player == player}; zlt_rope_ropes = []; zlt_mutexAction = false; zlt_rope_helis = ["O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", "RHS_UH60M", "RHS_UH60M_d", "CAF_CH146_F_D", "CAF_CH146_SF", "B_Heli_Transport_03_F", "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Chinook", "I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Griffon_Unarmed", "O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F", "I_Heli_Transport_02_F", "B_Heli_Light_01_F"]; zlt_rope_helidata = [ [ ["O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_F"], [1.35,1.35,-24.95], [-1.45,1.35,-24.95] ], [ ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", "RHS_UH60M", "RHS_UH60M_d", "CAF_CH146_F_D", "CAF_CH146_SF"], [-1.11,2.5,-24.7], [1.11,2.5,-24.7] ], [ ["B_Heli_Transport_03_F", "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Chinook"], [-1.11,-3.5,-24.9], [1.08,-3.5,-24.9] ], [ ["I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Griffon_Unarmed"], [0.7,2.5,-24.9], [-0.9,2.5,-24.9] ], [ ["O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"], [1.3,1.3,-25], [-1.3,1.3,-25] ], [ ["I_Heli_Transport_02_F"], [0,-5,-26], [] ], [ ["B_Heli_Light_01_F"], [0.6,0.5,-25.9], [-0.8,0.5,-25.9] ] ]; zlt_fnc_tossropes = { private ["_heli","_ropes","_oropes","_rope"]; _heli = _this; _ropes = []; _oropes = _heli getvariable ["zlt_ropes",[]]; if (count _oropes != 0 ) exitWith {}; random 0.3; { if ((typeof _heli) in (_x select 0)) exitwith { _ropes = _ropes + [_x select 1]; if ( count (_x select 2) !=0 ) then { _ropes = _ropes + [_x select 2]; }; }; _i = _i +1; } foreach zlt_rope_helidata; sleep random 0.3; if ( count (_heli getvariable ["zlt_ropes",[]]) != 0 ) exitwith { zlt_mutexAction = false; }; _heli animateDoor ['door_R', 1]; _heli animateDoor ['door_L', 1]; { _rope = ropeCreate [vehicle player, "slingload0", (getPosATL player select 2) + 3, (getPosATL player select 2) + 3, true]; _oropes = _oropes + [_rope]; } foreach _ropes; _heli setvariable ["zlt_ropes",_oropes,true]; _heli spawn { private ["_heli","_ropes"]; _heli = _this; while {alive _heli AND count (_heli getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 AND abs (speed _heli) < MAX_SPEED_ROPES_AVAIL } do { sleep 0.3; }; _ropes = (_heli getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]); {ropeDestroy _x} forEach _ropes; _heli setVariable ["zlt_ropes", [], true]; }; }; zlt_fnc_ropes_cond = { _veh = vehicle player; _flag = (_veh != player) and {(not zlt_mutexAction)} and {count (_veh getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) == 0} and { (typeof _veh) in zlt_rope_helis } and {alive player and alive _veh and (abs (speed _veh) < MAX_SPEED_ROPES_AVAIL ) }; _flag; }; zlt_fnc_fastropeaiunits = { private ["_heli","_grunits"]; diag_log ["zlt_fnc_fastropeaiunits", _this]; _heli = _this select 0; _grunits = _this select 1; dostop (driver _heli ); (driver _heli) setBehaviour "Careless"; (driver _heli) setCombatMode "Blue"; _heli spawn zlt_fnc_tossropes; [_heli, _grunits] spawn { private ["_units","_heli"]; sleep random 0.5; _units = _this select 1; _heli = (_this select 0); _units = _units - [player]; _units = _units - [driver _heli]; {if (!alive _x or isplayer _x or vehicle _x != _heli) then {_units = _units - [_x];}; } foreach _units; { sleep (0.5 + random 0.7); _x spawn zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit; } foreach _units; waituntil {sleep 0.5; { (getpos _x select 2) < 1 } count _units == count _units; }; sleep 10; (driver _heli) doFollow (leader group (driver _heli )); (driver _heli) setBehaviour "Aware"; (driver _heli) setCombatMode "White"; _heli call zlt_fnc_cutropes; }; }; zlt_fnc_fastrope = { diag_log ["fastrope", _this]; zlt_mutexAction = true; sleep random 0.3; if (player == leader group player) then { [vehicle player, units group player] call zlt_fnc_fastropeaiunits; }; player call zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit; zlt_mutexAction = false; }; zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit = { _veh = vehicle player; _ropes = (_veh getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]); if (count _ropes == 0) exitWith {}; player action ["Eject",vehicle player]; sleep 0.5; player leaveVehicle _veh; moveOut player; player allowDamage false; _ropePos = ropeEndPosition (_ropes select 0) select 0; player setPosATL [(getPosATL _veh select 0),(getPosATL _veh select 1),(getPosATL _veh select 2) -0.5]; player switchMove "LadderRifleStatic"; While {Alive player && (((getPos player) select 2) > 1)} do { player switchMove "LadderRifleStatic"; }; player setVelocity [0,0,0]; player playMove "LadderRifleDownOff"; player allowDamage true; }; zlt_fnc_cutropes = { _veh = _this; _ropes = (_veh getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]); {ropeDestroy _x} foreach _ropes; _veh setvariable ["zlt_ropes", [], true]; _veh animateDoor ['door_R', 0]; _veh animateDoor ['door_L', 0]; }; zlt_fnc_removeropes = { (vehicle player) call zlt_fnc_cutropes; }; zlt_fnc_createropes = { zlt_mutexAction = true; (vehicle player) call zlt_fnc_tossropes; zlt_mutexAction = false; }; player createDiarySubject [sTR_SCRIPTS_NAME,STR_SCRIPTS_NAME]; player createDiaryRecord [sTR_SCRIPTS_NAME,[sTR_SCRIPT_NAME, STR_HELP]]; player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>"+STR_TOSS_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_createropes, [], -1, false, false, '','[] call zlt_fnc_ropes_cond']; player addAction["<t color='#ff0000'>"+STR_CUT_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_removeropes, [], -1, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0']; player addAction["<t color='#00ff00'>"+STR_FAST_ROPE+"</t>", zlt_fnc_fastrope, [], 15, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 and player != driver vehicle player']; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>"+STR_TOSS_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_createropes, [], -1, false, false, '','[] call zlt_fnc_ropes_cond']; player addAction["<t color='#ff0000'>"+STR_CUT_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_removeropes, [], -1, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0']; player addAction["<t color='#00ff00'>"+STR_FAST_ROPE+"</t>", zlt_fnc_fastrope, [], 15, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 and player != driver vehicle player']; }]; Edited July 27, 2015 by MasterAntony Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted July 27, 2015 Just a guess: zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit = { _veh = vehicle player; _ropes = (_veh getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]); if (count _ropes == 0) exitWith {}; player action ["Eject",vehicle player]; sleep 0.5; player leaveVehicle _veh; moveOut player; player allowDamage false; _ropePos = ropeEndPosition (_ropes select 0) select 0; player setPosATL [(getPosATL _veh select 0),(getPosATL _veh select 1),(getPosATL _veh select 2) -0.5]; player switchMove "LadderRifleStatic"; While {Alive player && (((getPos player) select 2) > 1)} do { player switchMove "LadderRifleStatic"; [color="#008000"] player setPosATL [(getPosATL player select 0),(getPosATL player select 1),(getPosATL player select 2) -0.5]; [/color] }; player setVelocity [0,0,0]; player playMove "LadderRifleDownOff"; player allowDamage true; }; add the green line in the correct place Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
masterantony 12 Posted July 27, 2015 In this way, player is already on the ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zriel 12 Posted July 28, 2015 In this way, player is already on the ground. #define MAX_SPEED_WHILE_FASTROPING 10 #define MAX_SPEED_ROPES_AVAIL 30 #define MAX_ALT_ROPES_AVAIL 18 #define STR_TOSS_ROPES "Toss Ropes" #define STR_FAST_ROPE "Fast Rope" #define STR_CUT_ROPES "Cut Ropes" if (isdedicated) exitwith {}; waituntil {player == player}; zlt_rope_ropes = []; zlt_mutexAction = false; zlt_rope_helis = ["O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", "RHS_UH60M", "RHS_UH60M_d", "CAF_CH146_F_D", "CAF_CH146_SF", "B_Heli_Transport_03_F", "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Chinook", "I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Griffon_Unarmed", "O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F", "I_Heli_Transport_02_F", "B_Heli_Light_01_F","ST1_UH_80_MED_FG"]; zlt_rope_helidata = [ [ ["O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_F"], [1.35,1.35,0],[-1.45,1.35,0] ], [ ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", "RHS_UH60M", "RHS_UH60M_d", "CAF_CH146_F_D", "CAF_CH146_SF","ST1_UH_80_MED_FG "], [-1.11,2.5,0],[1.13,2.5,0] ], [ ["B_Heli_Transport_03_F", "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Chinook"], [-1.11,-3.5,0],[1.08,-3.5,0] ], [ ["I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F", "CFB_Helo_Griffon_Unarmed"], [0.7,2.5,0],[-0.9,2.5,0] ], [ ["O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"], [1.3,1.3,0],[-1.3,1.3,0] ], [ ["I_Heli_Transport_02_F"], [0,-5,0] ], [ ["B_Heli_Light_01_F"], [1.1,0.5,0],[-1.1,0.5,0] ] ]; zlt_fnc_tossropes = { private ["_heli","_ropes","_oropes","_rope"]; _heli = _this; _ropes = []; _oropes = _heli getvariable ["zlt_ropes",[]]; if (count _oropes != 0 ) exitWith {}; random 0.3; { if ((typeof _heli) in (_x select 0)) exitwith { _ropes pushBack (_x select 1); if ( count (_x select 2) !=0 ) then { _ropes pushBack (_x select 2); }; }; } foreach zlt_rope_helidata; sleep random 0.3; if ( count (_heli getvariable ["zlt_ropes",[]]) != 0 ) exitwith { zlt_mutexAction = false; }; _heli animateDoor ['door_R', 1]; _heli animateDoor ['door_L', 1]; { _rope = ropeCreate [vehicle player, _x, (getPosATL player select 2) + 3]; _oropes pushBack _rope; } foreach _ropes; _heli setvariable ["zlt_ropes",_oropes,true]; _heli spawn { private ["_heli","_ropes"]; _heli = _this; while {alive _heli AND count (_heli getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 AND (abs (speed _heli) < MAX_SPEED_ROPES_AVAIL) AND ((getposATL _heli select 2) <= MAX_ALT_ROPES_AVAIL ) } do { sleep 1; }; _ropes = (_heli getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]); {ropeDestroy _x} forEach _ropes; _heli setVariable ["zlt_ropes", [], true]; }; }; zlt_fnc_ropes_cond = { _veh = vehicle player; _flag = (_veh != player) and {(not zlt_mutexAction)} and {count (_veh getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) == 0} and { (typeof _veh) in zlt_rope_helis } and {alive player and alive _veh and (abs (speed _veh) < MAX_SPEED_ROPES_AVAIL ) and ((getposATL _veh select 2) <= MAX_ALT_ROPES_AVAIL ) }; _flag; }; zlt_fnc_fastropeaiunits = { private ["_heli","_grunits"]; diag_log ["zlt_fnc_fastropeaiunits", _this]; _heli = _this select 0; _grunits = _this select 1; dostop (driver _heli ); (driver _heli) setBehaviour "Careless"; (driver _heli) setCombatMode "Blue"; _heli spawn zlt_fnc_tossropes; [_heli, _grunits] spawn { private ["_units","_heli"]; sleep random 0.5; _units = _this select 1; _heli = _this select 0; _units = _units - [player]; _units = _units - [driver _heli]; {if (!alive _x or isplayer _x or vehicle _x != _heli) then {_units = _units - [_x];}; } foreach _units; { sleep (0.5 + random 0.7); _x spawn zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit; } foreach _units; waituntil {sleep 0.5; { (getpos _x select 2) < 1 } count _units == count _units; }; sleep 10; (driver _heli) doFollow (leader group (driver _heli )); (driver _heli) setBehaviour "Aware"; (driver _heli) setCombatMode "White"; _heli call zlt_fnc_cutropes; }; }; zlt_fnc_fastrope = { diag_log ["fastrope", _this]; zlt_mutexAction = true; sleep random 0.3; if (player == leader group player) then { [vehicle player, units group player] call zlt_fnc_fastropeaiunits; }; player call zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit; zlt_mutexAction = false; }; zlt_fnc_fastropeUnit = { _unit = _this; _veh = vehicle _unit; _ropes = (_veh getVariable ["zlt_ropes", []]); if (count _ropes == 0) exitWith {}; _ropeSel = _ropes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _unit action ["Eject",_veh]; sleep 0.5; _unit leaveVehicle _veh; moveOut _unit; _unit allowDamage false; _ropePos = (ropeEndPosition _ropeSel) select 0; _unit setPosATL [(_ropePos select 0),(_ropePos select 1),(_ropePos select 2) -0.5]; _unit switchMove "LadderRifleStatic"; While {Alive _unit && (((getPos _unit) select 2) > 1)} do { _unit switchMove "LadderRifleStatic"; }; _unit setVelocity [0,0,0]; _unit playMove "LadderRifleDownOff"; _unit allowDamage true; }; zlt_fnc_cutropes = { _veh = _this; _ropes = (_veh getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]); {ropeDestroy _x} foreach _ropes; _veh setvariable ["zlt_ropes", [], true]; _veh animateDoor ['door_R', 0]; _veh animateDoor ['door_L', 0]; }; zlt_fnc_removeropes = { (vehicle player) call zlt_fnc_cutropes; }; zlt_fnc_createropes = { zlt_mutexAction = true; (vehicle player) call zlt_fnc_tossropes; zlt_mutexAction = false; }; player createDiarySubject [sTR_SCRIPTS_NAME,STR_SCRIPTS_NAME]; player createDiaryRecord [sTR_SCRIPTS_NAME,[sTR_SCRIPT_NAME, STR_HELP]]; player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>"+STR_TOSS_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_createropes, [], -1, false, false, '','[] call zlt_fnc_ropes_cond']; player addAction["<t color='#ff0000'>"+STR_CUT_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_removeropes, [], -1, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0']; player addAction["<t color='#00ff00'>"+STR_FAST_ROPE+"</t>", zlt_fnc_fastrope, [], 15, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 and player != driver vehicle player']; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>"+STR_TOSS_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_createropes, [], -1, false, false, '','[] call zlt_fnc_ropes_cond']; player addAction["<t color='#ff0000'>"+STR_CUT_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_removeropes, [], -1, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0']; player addAction["<t color='#00ff00'>"+STR_FAST_ROPE+"</t>", zlt_fnc_fastrope, [], 15, false, false, '','not zlt_mutexAction and count ((vehicle player) getvariable ["zlt_ropes", []]) != 0 and player != driver vehicle player']; }]; Revised code, it will need some polish probably. You should check if memory points of helicopters are OK or not (just checked AH6 and UH80). It checks for 17M altitude max. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
masterantony 12 Posted July 28, 2015 But the only problem is that with the animation does not take the rope, but is 3-4 cm further away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zriel 12 Posted July 28, 2015 You can't attach a player to a sling rope, as you can only get the start and end positions of the rope. However, being 3cm further is better than 50 or 100cm that you were in the first version. This is a script from 2013, and I must say it is probably the only one working now. You will have to wait for the ACE3 version once they release it, if you want a more polished version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
masterantony 12 Posted July 28, 2015 No , in first version ( My ) also 3 cm , i created this thread for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites