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Players have no weapons and are inside the building, but MP they are outside with wea

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Created a Mission... but

If i preview my mission then > BLUFOR have no weapons and are inside the building, :) :)

but if i switch to MultiPlayer they are on the roof of the building and have full gear guns NV, etc....

Anybody had this before, Tried searching, but GOOGLE isn`t my friend

Thank you

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Need more info, like code/script being used.

The only code im using on the infantry is ""



this; unassignitem "NVGoggles";

this removeitem "NVGoggles";

Also have VAS script

Farqoos revive sytem,

and Unitcaching

ATM Airdrop

Works perfect in preview,


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Classic locality issue, in order to strip items from a unit, the code has to be executed to where that unit is residing. For Single player that just means you can execute the script and it'll work because everything is local to the player.

On MP however, units attached to a client are local to that client, which can be a player unit or units in the same group. And units not attached to a player are either local to the server or a Headless client if present.

To start, look at this article from the wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isServer

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