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About lkincheloe

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  1. Thank you Beno, with your info I was able to work out what was causing the script to fail. I kept the added complexity (the variable check) since I don't want to hammer a server with SetCapture changes every time a player's inventory changed in some way.
  2. I'm working on a script that allows for players to be non-combatants on a belligerent side (i.e. not civilian), however while expanding to nested If statements I have encountered an Error missing ) issue in the else statement, it's perplexed me and I think a rubber duck debug is in order. private ["_noncomState", "_wArray"]; _noncomState = player getVariable "var_lk_noncom"; _wArray = weapons player; if (count _wArray == 0) then { if (_noncomState == false) then { player setCaptive 1.44; hint "You are a non-Combatant!"; player setVariable ["var_lk_noncom", true] } else []; } else { if (_noncomState == true) then ( player setCaptive 0; hint "You are a Combatant!"; player setVariable ["var_lk_noncom", false] ) else []; }; This is the error that's produced: 16:36:46 Error in expression <te == true) then ( player setCaptive 0; hint "You are a Combatant!"; player se> 16:36:46 Error position: <; hint "You are a Combatant!"; player se> 16:36:46 Error Missing ) 16:36:46 File C:\Users\Lynn\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Kinch\missions\n..., line 29 16:36:46 Error in expression <te == true) then ( player setCaptive 0; hint "You are a Combatant!"; player se> 16:36:46 Error position: <; hint "You are a Combatant!"; player se> 16:36:46 Error Missing ) 16:36:46 File C:\Users\Lynn\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Kinch\missions\n..., line 29 16:36:46 Mission id: 4964a4130cdf29b09d84b46e8d2333956209f5c6 The error points to if (_noncomState == true) as being the culprit, however being formatted identically to the first part is confusing me. The script is initialized from a sequence starting from InitPlayerLocal.sqf, and the intent of the variable var_lk_noncom is to give the script something to check against so that the SetCaptive command isn't spammed every time a player's inventory changes state. Suggestions?
  3. Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1828160993 A twist on the official Warlords game mode. This scenario focuses on Close Quarters Combat in a randomly generated city environment, while the basic layout of the Warlords map is the same, every play through will have different structures and terrain features between you and your objective. Otherwise, it's pretty much Warlords.
  4. lkincheloe

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Presumably, your cleanup script init starts by checking that it's on the server with !isServer. This works fine for 90% of implementations, but we're in the 10%. So we need to modify it. According to the isServer Wiki Page, the most likely best solution is to initialize the cleanup script globally, but run a isPlayer check instead of !isServer and if true, exit the script. This should cause it to exit on the player machines only, leaving the Server and HC machines free to delete empty groups as they encounter them.
  5. lkincheloe

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    I've had that happen before, I don't believe the script is deleting the groups that are losing units due to being despawned properly. So eventually it'll run out of groups to work with. Like so: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteGroup With 650(!) zones, it's no wonder you're running out of groups quickly. I've used various scripts in the past to constantly clean the groups up, assuming you run something like DMZ Delete where you're spawning the units (server or HC) it should work.
  6. Most likely you'll have to write a script that initiates the feed for each player locally, start by copying the module code and initializing it per player.
  7. A simple procedural script that uses bis_fnc_destroycity to, well, destroy ALL the cities on an island! It's designed to simulate prior war damage, scaling up depending on how large the city is. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/d49pr53zz348eyr/War_Torn_Map_a1.zip
  8. lkincheloe

    Update broke some stuff -- what's changed?

    Where'd the Taru Pods go? Not the helicopter + pods but just the pod models themselves?
  9. Classic locality issue, in order to strip items from a unit, the code has to be executed to where that unit is residing. For Single player that just means you can execute the script and it'll work because everything is local to the player. On MP however, units attached to a client are local to that client, which can be a player unit or units in the same group. And units not attached to a player are either local to the server or a Headless client if present. To start, look at this article from the wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isServer
  10. Did that, but unfortunately now if I #include it anywhere except RscTitles it'll CTD on server start saying that IP_BOX is undefined. I tried removing that section just for kicks and the next item down also reported as undefined.
  11. Fixed that bit, the conversations was mistakenly included inside the RscTitles class. Now what occurs is I get the action, but I get an error stating that IP_DLG_CONVERSATION cannot be found when I try to use it. Currently here's where I have includes at, most other combinations result in a CTD when I start a local server: class RscTitles { #include "ais_injury\dialogs\rscTitlesAIS.hpp" #include "conv\cfg\defines.hpp" #include "conv\cfg\dialogs.hpp" }; #include "conv\missionConversations.hpp" class CfgFunctions { #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp" #include "conv\cfg\functions.hpp" #include "ais_injury\cfgFunctionsAIS.hpp" }; And how they're being called in script, executed locally to the player: nul = [_target, "Hey, what can I help you with?", "Direct"] spawn IP_fnc_simpleSentence; nul = [_target, "opener"] spawn IP_fnc_addConversation; Where _target is the civilian. Sorry for all the poking, I'm not used to working with .hpp files.
  12. Trying to implement this into an MP scenario. Currently receiving this error on IP_fnc_addConversation: Error loading control C:\Users\Lynn\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Kinch\mpmissions\co08_tf_titan_x1.Altis\description.ext/RscTitles/IP_DLG_SIMPLESENTENCE/Controls/IP_BOX_MAIN/ and in-game I receive the "Conversation has no sentences!" hint error. Even though I'm pointing it to the default opener conversation. Only changes I've made thus far is removing RscTitles from dialogs.hpp since I have RscTitles brackets already defined in description.ext and having MissionConversations.hpp inside the conv folder. Any idea what might be messing up?
  13. lkincheloe

    Defuse the Bomb

    What you could do is run the code generator only server-side, then when the players find the laptop send the code over as a public variable. Then when a player inputs the code, is returned back in a bis_fnc_mp call to the server. If correct, disable the bomb and whatnot, if incorrect, KABOOM!
  14. lkincheloe

    [R3F] Logistics

    Is there any way of changing the values assigned to items in the creation factory?
  15. You'll need to add an event handler to each civilian spawned, which when killed adds 1 to the counter. This can also allow you to check for who actually killed the civ, so if one decides to be stupid and jump off an office building. You don't have to count it against the player side.