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Problem with command "setovercast"

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I tried in a script, called at mission startup, to change weather overcast.

The strange thing is that

0 setOvercast 0

works perfectly, but not

_halfTime setOvercast 0

where _halfTime is a variable set in the script

I tried

60 setOvercast 0

in the script too, do not work either....

I can't get where's the problem  confused.gif

The code :

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_duration=Param1

_halfTime=_duration / 2

_fogOutTime=2 * (_duration / 3)

; hint format ["%1, %2, %3", _duration, _halfTime, _fogOutTime]

_halfTime setOvercast 0

_halfTime setRain 0

_fogOutTime setFog 0.3




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Try puting this somewhere in the script:

hint format ["Param1 : %1",Param1]

If it comes up with "scalar boolar array" and the like then there is nothing in your variable. smile.gif

wow.gif PEACE

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As you can see in the commented line in the code, I already tried to check the local variables. Unfortunately, they are fine sad.gif

And 60 setOvercast 0 doesn't work either confused.gif

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Are you sure it doosn't work ?

60 setOvercast 0 should make sunny weather. If you start with sunny weather you'll not see any change.

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Well...I'm sure sad.gif

In the init.sqs, I have put :

0 setOvercast 1

and the weather is terrible at mission startup. With 60 setOvercast 0 , I sit down, wait 1 minute, and due to the _halfTime setRain 0, rain stops, but the sky is always cloudly as hell sad.gif

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While working at SCF I ran into the same problem: my dynamic weather script didn't want to work; with my console I tried setOvercast and it worked and in my script it didn't work.

Then I made the discovery: You can't use setFog and setOvercast at the same time. So you have to do:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_transitionTime setOverCast _overCast


_fogTime setFog _fog

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Then it will work for sure! smile.gif

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<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Bigpoppa</span>


<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>THANKS!</span>

it works perfectly!!! smile.gifsmile.giftounge.gifbiggrin.gif


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