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U.S Marines | 2nd Battalion 2nd Marines "Warlords" [16+] [NA/Milsim]

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2nd Battalion 2nd Marines "Warlords" - Recruiting Now in United States. 2/2  has a full command staff, and full squad of Americans between the ages 16-35! We are now also support the steam game "SQUAD"
Whom Are The 2nd Battalion 2nd Marines ~
We are a Light Infantry Marine unit, within our unit Organisation, and Realism is the key role to our success. Being on the "front - lines" is a major goal of ours which includes, almost daily Operations for the avid Milsim Player. Together we are a Brotherhood , we look out for each other for anything and everything. We were established in 2011 and growing everyday. We use tactic and realism when it comes to gaming, we bring the real life aspect into gaming. The =2/2= uses the Marine rank structure and the Chain Of Command to keep things in order. We have an Award system to award members for their dedication and realism gaming knowledge. Within the Unit we do have Past, Present and Future Soldiers of The US Armed Forces. We recognize their service and dedication through promotion to their current rank in the service (if the position and rank is available) and/or Awards they currently hold.
What we have to offer?
- Teamspeak 3 Server (USMCWARLORDS.COM OR
- Lisensed IP Board Site/Forums
- 4x 64 Slot ArmA 3 Servers
- 2x 100 slot "SQUAD" Servers (Coming Soon)
- Dedicated Leadership
- Medals, Badges, & Ribbon Award System
- U.S Marine Ranks & Structure 
- Training's, Operations, Patrols, Missions, PvP, Campaigns & More
Requirements to join -
- Must be 16+ of Age 
- Have a Working Microphone & Teamspeak 3 Installed
- Must Speak English
- Be Able to Attend Saturday Operation
- Must Be Able to Respect Chain of Command & Follow Basic Tasks
Roles Available - 
- 2x Fireteam Leaders
- 2x Riflemen
- 2x Automatic Riflemen
- 2x Grenadier
- 2x Corpsmen
- 2x Tank Crewmen
Join our Teamspeak 3 Server @ USMCWARLORDS.COM OR
Follow us on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/UsmcWarlords
Gunnery Sergeant, U.S Marines
Tank Commander "Iron Horse"



Check out our Videos -

Edited by bauer24x
Website/Twitter/Facebook Added!

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Added our Website to the main article!. Application Addon is installed and waiting for apps to be filled out!

Website is also 90% Done. Forums are fully done and ready for use!

Added our Twitter, and Facebook! Follow us!

Looking to fill in 2nd Squad "Eagles"

Edited by Bauer24x

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Added 2 new arma 3 gameservers to the Ad above!

Now have a Training/Ops Server and a Joint Ops Server.

We are now Allies with the Army's 99th Infantry Division, and run Joint

Ops on a daily basis. But part of that awesome opportunity today by enlisting!

Also Looking for a future JTAC when the time comes!

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Joint Ops Mission with the Army's 99th Infantry Division September 5th. Enlist now to be part of something big and awesome experience :D

Platoon Medic is Open and looking for a dedicated Milsim member who is willing to work with us and earn this position! Prove you're trustworthy

and want to be part of a milsim environment and is mature like many of us here!

Website is Online and forums and application works. But the Test Website with a whole new skin/theme and many awesome features is under

Construction. We can do alot with a licensed ip board and we taking advantage of that!

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The 2nd Battalion 2nd Marines "Warlords" & 99th Infantry Division were deployed September 26th on Operation Red Torso! It was a successful operation.

Everyone in the 2/2 had such an awesome time and had an awesome experience. We plan to do Joint Ops every other saturday! We had about 40 people show up

Here is some screenshots of operation!




Enlist today to be part of this amazing experience :D.

Next Joint Ops is Scheduled Oct 24!

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Working on a new system for the unit through the site. Features are -



1. Automated Enlistment Application and Usergroup Management
2. Soldier Personnel Files with Service Records, Award Records and Combat Records
3. Recruiting and Retention Statistics and Performance Metrics
4. Automated Leave of Absence (LOA) and Temporary Pass Request (TPR) Management
5. Promotions and Demotions with Auto-Created Citations
6. Transfer Soldiers Among Combat Units with worrying about Forum Usergroups and Permissions
7. Automated Notifications and Private Messages to keep Soldiers Informed


Sign up to be part of the well structured, organized marine unit!

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Plenty of New additions to the Unit!


Award System is now out of beta and 100% done and being used!

2nd Squad is Now Open!

And we are now Accepting and Recruiting players from the EU/UK! Trainings are 8pm UK Time (3pm EST for 2nd Squad)

We are now deployed on a campaign - The Sahrani Theatre 


Still Recruiting for NA and now ofcourse the new addition EU. Send Application @ our site! Enlist Today!

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Quick Update since it's been awhile.


We Opened up a Tank Section and looking for a Dedicated tank driver in EST Coast & 16+ of Age.

Also Looking for Dedicated EU/UK Milsim Players to join our Active EU Fireteam!

Operation Flaming Dart Campaign Part 2 Continues Saturday on Fallujah. Become enlisted today &

be part of this amazing opportunity. Visit our Site or Contact me Via Steam!   


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Quick Update! 


We Deployed to Fallujah!

We also Opened up a Tank Section Finally. We are looking for dedicated members who would like to roll with myself as Tank Commander!!! 

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Quick Update & Short!


We are no longer deployed to Fallujah. 

Tank Section is still looking for active dedication mature A3 players who want something series and love the milsim life!

Also Every Saturday our unit does a Joint Ops with another group. The Event is the Vietnam Era, and it's awhole different amazing experience other than what 

our unit does on a daily basis with the present era equipment! We been doin it for about 2 Weekends so far, and still gonna continue to do so. Be part of this amazing Experience Today!

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Quick Update! 


Check out Abrams Tank Supporting 1st Squad Raptors in Operation Last Saturday! 


Also Looking for Tank Commander Seat, and Loader Seat for Tank Crew one! Don't really need a tank loader. But dont mind having a nice convo with 4 people then just 2 people like just the gunner and driver.

If interested and looking for a good time in tank of want to good infantry as AR, AT or even corpsman. Get training right away and assigned to fireteam if enlisted today!!

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