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DayZ for Arma 3?

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Is there a DayZ mod for Arma 3? I've done some googling and it's kind of confusing. Also, I've found different mods kind of like DayZ, but there's different mods on different sites. I haven't found a site yet that has all the mods in one place, and that worries me, as one site may have a mod that's out of date, or not being updated on that site anymore. I've tried Epoch mod, and I like it, but it's no zombie apocalypse, just has that annoying hooded thing following you around everywhere. I love Arma 3 with a passion, but it can get confusing at times.

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If you can't bear to play the DayZ gameplay concept without the Arma 3 engine though, you could take a look at Breaking Point or the upcoming 2017.

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First off, DustinC86, this section isn´t for Q&A about mods or mod wishes, but I understand your doubt, and second, to help you out briefly: you have Breaking Point, which is closest to DayZ (I´ve played, I know) http://www.thezombieinfection.com/ <-that´s their official site, should find the installer there, and it is pretty much automized... there were DayZ portings using AllinArma (the mod, not the terrain pack), but they´re all outdated and not functional, as well as AiA itself, so you´d stick to Breaking Point, if you like PVP and PVE, otherwise, I´d point ou out to some well scripted zombie missions for SP or COOP of small teams, like Dawn of the Dead 1&2 (it has zombies with putrefied skins), Zombie Sandbox and Doomsday Night 1/2/3 and Night of the Raven

Enjoy yourself and pick the links before a Mod close this thread...


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Thank you very much for the links! Sorry for posting in the wrong spot. I'd give you rep or +1 if I could.

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