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What is the real impact of maxLeadSpeed ?

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I'm researching the "maxLeadSpeed" values and would like a clear explanation. I've read that it is the highest speed the target will move to enable missile lock, which would imply that any time you fly faster than this speed, the vehicle will not try to shoot at any aircraft moving faster than this value. This seems misleading, and may not be accurate...

So I'm asking what does it EXACTLY do?

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From what I know, which could be wrong,

It means what you've said. Although I think it only applys to ballistics and not missiles.

If something is moving faster then the speed listed, the AI won't engage it.

This prevents AI from wasting ammo shooting at.something they can't hit. Like a jet moving over 500 km/h.

Unless its with a weapon system you want to engage at that speed I.E. AAA.

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the question is if it's relative speed from gun to target, or the absolute speed of the target. I would assume that it's absolute speed, as it's easier to compute and also easier to handle (since it wouldnt have the case like you mentioned - gun is too fast, no shooting). I guess you can only try it out by getting a jet to attack your vehicle while driving.

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