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pvt. partz

Windows Update Hack !

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Microsoft has decided to release updates that will EAT your memory and processor while your system runs. This was not a mistake. These updates are designed to constantly collect data about your computer for Windows 10. One of them will act like ADWARE and eventually pop up offering you Windows 10.

They will run in the background automatically with absolutely no control from the user to shut them down. They can use up to 25-35% of a quad core processor, 35-50% of a dual core and will run while you are using your computer regardless of that use OR when the system has a monitor sleep mode but the power profile is not set to sleep or hibernate.. The power profile any FS computer should be set to run HIGH PERFORMANCE in order to avoid any power management by MS during gaming operation.

This effects BOTH WINDOWS 7 and WINDOWS 8

To shut this nonsense down and make sure it does not come back, do the following

NOTE: THIS LINK PROVIDES MORE INFORMATION FOR WINDOWS 8 http://www.ghacks.net/2015/04/17/how-to-remove-windows-10-upgrade-updates-in-windows-7-and-8/

In Windows 7:


2. In the list that appears for the list of installed WINDOWS UPDATES, scroll down and locate the following updates in WINDOWS 7






3. UNINSTALL EACH UPDATE YOU FIND - NOTE: When asked to reboot select LATER and continue until all those are uninstalled and remove them in the ORDER shown above


Go back and check to see if those updates are all gone in the system.. if they are then check and see if you can still connect to Windows Update... IF BOTH ARE TRUE SKIP TO #6 BELOW AND HIDE THE UPDATES AT WU. You are done

If KB2952664 has come back or appears again, OR you cant connect to Windows Update and get a ERROR continue with #4 below after uninstalling KB2952664 again

Here is the kicker.. if you UNINSTALL KB2952664 many systems cant connect to Windows update anymore! Really MS? Punishment or dimwit strong-arm tactics?

4. Run this MS FIX IT tool

http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/windows-update-error-8000ffff [ignore the reference to Vista]

Run with the check box aggressive mode unchecked, let it finish, close and then rerun the tool again with the check in AGGRESSIVE

5. Once finished, reboot

The above repairs Windows update from not being able to run but BE AWARE it will CLEAN/FLUSH the Windows update 'history' list but wont remove the update list

6. Once rebooted run Windows Update in MANUAL MODE do not let MS download and install updates automatically.. the updates I noted above should reappear in the list including KB2952664 right click them all and select HIDE





you will no longer be prompted to install those hidden nonsense updates unless MS decides to try and slip them back in again and Windows Update will work fine

For Windows 8 the process is similar.. you can review the link above to remove this garbage

EDIT: If the above FIXIT tool fails and you still can not connect to WU, Try this tool:


Download the correct version x32 or x64 and let it repair WU. It will request you install a KB and then it will run a aggressive scan to fix issues.

It can take 10 minutes and up to 3 hours to run sometimes so if it appears to hang at like 85%, its still running.. reboot when it finished and recheck WU and don't worry about the MSfixit tools

One other option I found worked on one system, change the dropdown selection for how you get updates to: CHECK FOR UPDATES BUT LET ME CHOOSE TO DOWNLOAD/INSTALL

see if it connects. If it does and after changes are made you can switch it back to NEVER CHECK FOR UPDATES

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Yeah, tell people to not update OS software.

Don't update arma then.

Or AV.

And from where do you get that it eats memory? Facts?

LoLLLLL High performance! XD do you even know what are the defaults for that mode? And the risks? Do you even know what dynamic scaling means?

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This really comes across as typical anti-Microsoft BS.

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