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Finding the classname of an addon unit

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I have an african milita addon I want to find the class names for any help??

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When you put a unit down in the editor, the class name shows up in the top right of the unit window.

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For future needs, you can look in the config viewer or for some mods they have their own wiki page that has all the necessary info.

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Thank you both however I am not sure where is this config viewer?? I started the game hit escape and went to config and it brought up a lot of information however I did not see anything in terms of any type of class name. Or unit at all for that matter. So I figured I was in the wrong place.

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If you go in the editor, click the gear icon, there is a tree of parent classes on the left. You want CfgVehicles. Doubleclick that and it will expand to all the classes.

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Ok that works nice thank you last question on this, When looking at the config for the weapons how can I find the ammo it takes quickly I know its there but it always takes awhile to find any way to speed that up?

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