bboy 11 Posted May 5, 2015 (edited) Wanderers About project:Hi to all community! Long time pass since i did something new for ArmA 2... Well, probably someone asks why I waste my time making campaign for A2 when there is already a A3. I'm not satisfied with the A3 and therefore I still play good old A2 campaigns. One of the best campaigns for A2 I have ever played is FALLOUT. And from there comes the idea to do something similar, but lil' bit different.Wanderers should be an A2 campaign (if I ever made it...), not so apocalyptic, but for example in the country where, after a great future war, remained only chaos, a story where the rest of the people in the country are struggling to survive by finding common goods and exchanging them with others for the things that they need. There are lack of water, food, medicines, working cars, hiding places, weapons... For the main map I chosed Chernarus. Main character is the independent guerilla soldier (as you will fighting on independent side).I already did the first mission. It should be able to see the essence of the story. Also, there is fully explained briefing. Mission is complete and can be played as single player. I made a small intro but I preparing a nicer one if I decide to make a campaign. This mission is without addons, but (in future) i will put back in the fight our old forgoten characters like O'hara, Herrera, Pierce, Reynolds, Sykes, Rodriguez... but in a slightly different form and release. You can see from the photos what I mean: The addons are already made. Every of these characters has a story behind himself. And, my idea is also to meet them one by one, during the campaign progress, and to add them in your team with whom are you going to command. Sykes has a good chance to be a leader and main character.Addition:I have plenty of ideas for the project and how to create a nice story with a lot of new things and beautiful gameplay, but it's only up to YOU whether I'll continue to work on this. I'd be pleased to have interested parties! And I will not certainly make a campaign just for me! So, I would be happy if YOU play this mission and then tell me what you think about it and about the whole story. Feedback is strongly appreciated! I tested this sp mission a lot of times, but maybe i missed something. If you find some bug or some error, please let me know. I wish you good gameplay! Your bboyRequired:ArmA 2OAPMCMission download:File DropperArmaholic MediaFire Edited April 14, 2016 by bboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mortyfero99 10 Posted May 6, 2015 Well done ! Downloading now ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bboy 11 Posted May 7, 2015 Well done ! Downloading now ! Expecting feedback! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted September 21, 2015 Hi bboy I just wanted to let you know that I'm getting an error related to your campaign as soon as I access my campaign folder when launching ArmA CO No entry 'Campaigns\01_camp-wanderers.chernarus\description.ext.Campaign'. I don't know if that is something only on my side or not. It's the only campaign in my folder which gives me this error message. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tom3kb 15 Posted September 24, 2015 @up You have this error becose this is only one SP mission not a full campaign ;) Put it in missions folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted September 24, 2015 Thanks tom I guess I got sidetracked by the fact that in the topic is written campaign and I downloaded it from Armaholics campaign section. Thanks for enlighten me though. All the best :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bboy 11 Posted September 30, 2015 Hi bboy I just wanted to let you know that I'm getting an error related to your campaign as soon as I access my campaign folder when launching ArmA CO I don't know if that is something only on my side or not. It's the only campaign in my folder which gives me this error message. Cheers Hi Nettrucker! I already forgot this, since for a long time was no feedback.. Any way, the campaign should be a future project, one year maybe... :D For now this is only first mission! Put it in your Missions folder... Enjoy! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
savedbygrace 2 Posted March 8, 2016 Well, I must say that you have good intentions but most features fail to deliver properly. I Have longed for a scavenger type post apocalypse style mission/campaign but this "version" of your idea fell way short of my own expectations. First, please, please don't make a mission dependent upon vehicle failure. It didn't hinder me at all since I never hit anything, BUT, Armacidents happen. In any case, I was excited to hit the big cities and explore. I quickly discovered that nothing was up for grabs. Aside from what you had already pre-planned, the player had no options to loot anything. After I overcome my initial disappointment I settle in for the find this item and find that item hunt. During these hunts, I am confronted by Ai that spawn in to defend their territory. This is a huge No No. The gunfights were the best part of the mission but spawning them in front of the player is not a good idea. To make matters worse, they sometimes spawn right behind the player when he has just came from that area. Not fair. After several engagements, I have loaded my truck with weapons and ammo from the dead defenders and head back to Leonid. He doesn't want any of it. Why? You stated in the briefing that weapons are the highest value. This I feel is your biggest hole in the story. The player kills, confiscates all this new gear and could potentially start his own weapons shop. Why would he need a m16 that shoots 556 when he can easily have an AKM that projects 772? Or a whole stash of weapons for that matter. Why cant I purchase more fuel instead? Why do all these towns have guys with guns but you are the only one with a working vehicle? Why do I need to go kill guys for a brief case to attain a phone when I can just kill the old man and get the phone faster? Another thing I disliked was you setpositioning my vehicle. Why not just attach the item to the truck during the blackout and setposition the player next to the truck? I also didn't like you instantly printing on screen that the place is empty. I think the player can pretty much figure out that if there is nothing with an addaction to place it in truck, they can move one. After grabbing all of the items and driving them back to Leonid. He unloads them and then offers the 3 gun choices. I knew it was coming, He even said so, but I was hoping there would be an option to repair my truck, refuel it or even grab another medical pack. You know? The three things that I can't find while scavenging and killing ruthlessly. But hey, it is what you say it is. So, just for kicks, I kill Leonid and his entire crew. I'm a merciless killer anyway right? I kill to get what I want. It's the Apocalypse! They just stand there crying Blue on Blue and on all that nonsense while I cut their buddies down in front of em. I should have just done that from the start right? Just so you know, the truck goes wacky once you attach the water barrel to it. It seems fine on roads but when you go off road, it launches you into the sky. I don't know why, it worked fine with the tire, sack and white jug but the barrel was a deathtrap. I realize I sound very negative but don't let my words keep you from improving what you have here. I would still like to have a mission where scavenging through survivor infested areas is playable without zombies and multiplayer. I suggest.... Instead of spawning AI, build cool little makeshift bases within the cities and have them defend them. Have other lone survivors moving through the cities too that don't shoot at the player but get shot at by the base defenders. Could add some hesitance for the player..."Is he friendly?" Instead of having items to attach to the truck just use a script and perhaps a custom dialogue image to display a checklist every time the player finds an item on that list. You could have several lists for the player to choose from...Car parts, grain, water, med surplus, etc. Instead of having Leonid and his crew of needless thugs, have other wanderers who have trucks and make rounds from city to city. Then the player could come to their rescue, find things to swap for and generally build a society of wanderers who depend upon one another. These are my ideas and you may not care for them. That's okay. I understand. Thank you for your efforts thus far and keep on editing on my friend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voiceofarma 24 Posted April 2, 2016 Can you please upload it in mediafire, I'm using latest firefox version but when try to download from filedropper it needs a plugin that I really don't know what is it! thx 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bboy 11 Posted April 14, 2016 Can you please upload it in mediafire, I'm using latest firefox version but when try to download from filedropper it needs a plugin that I really don't know what is it! thx I uploaded on MediaFire... Enjoy and leave some feedback! ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bboy 11 Posted April 14, 2016 For savedbygrace: First, thank you on soo big feedback! ;) Im sorry that the mission not impress you... but, it is what it is! ;) Next thing, the Armacidents is known bug, nothing I could with... Other things, yes a left AI to spawn, but that is not exactly spawning. They are physically hidden in houses... depending on which trigger, zone around house you activate, they go out... I think that is realistic... i put trigger also that if you kill Leonid, everybody need to shoot at you... i dont know why it din't activated. And yes, i could do it much better, but i did it like this... according to taste... ;) Anyway, i stop making missions for A2, i just replaying some SP missions and campaign... Thank you for playing anyway! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites