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270km WIP project

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Hey fellow Modders. I created my first ever 270km map, i call it audeamus, with some crazy luck haha, I have only been making maps for 3 days now and I learnt , well a good ammount!

I came here to show you a map I made but it has some issues that i believe this community will understand better then me!... I present some pictures below if anyone has ideas or wants to also help me make this map come to life with no texture errors like in the pictures, please do. I can be contacted via skype.

http://i.imgur.com/POY3rHU.png (459 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/RkPePbX.jpg (121 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/6ySEFRM.png (868 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/yUfdiSS.png (713 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/BwZgll1.png (784 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/TSofNKN.png (924 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/p2tnMb0.png (912 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/YAzMVNR.png (368 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/3FLoLgg.png (660 kB)

Edited by liridonx92

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but IMO you should start with a little map. 5-10km for example.

More easy for you and for everyone to learn ;)

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Did you really keep the samplers tab settings? strange values.

8.030 cell size :confused: because 2048 x 8.030 is 16445.44

For a first map i would agree with HeadPop, start small, perfect the basics and then do your monster terrain :)

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but IMO you should start with a little map. 5-10km for example.

More easy for you and for everyone to learn ;)

I make that small too.. but the map itself is really tiny in bottom left corner of the map

---------- Post added at 08:02 ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 ----------

I have to perfect some numbers too like you said, Im learning of what I can find on the internet which isnt much

---------- Post added at 08:05 ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 ----------

I only did that because I seen the altis map is 270km'2 and I thought I can use these values to fill the whole map beacuse when i make 2048 map the whole 2048 is small and is -200,000 easting bottom left corner of actual map in game.. like small square and the rest is all water? weird.

here is picture of what i mean


---------- Post added at 08:10 ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 ----------

Can you give me good size and sampler settings?

Edited by liridonx92

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The ATLAS guide is what you need. Join the Arma 3 map maker channel on skype, you can get some help there

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I looked at some things in the atlas, its usefull - and i looked with skype and didnt find any results for groups, where do i find it?

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I looked at some things in the atlas, its usefull - and i looked with skype and didnt find any results for groups, where do i find it?

You find it here. Just click on the link of the group you want to join. If your browser ask you if you want to launch an application say yes.

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change your sat grid size to 1024 that will fix your sat problem

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The terrain looks great so far, but i would recommend you to start with a 5x5 or 10x10 km map. I did this mistake with Highway and i lost my desire very fast ^^

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The terrain looks great so far, but i would recommend you to start with a 5x5 or 10x10 km map. I did this mistake with Highway and i lost my desire very fast ^^

Can you give me your sampler settings for a 10x10 km map? and the L3DT size to use 2048? Im just confused on these things I dont know exactly how the values are to be made. or what its multiplied by

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Can you give me your sampler settings for a 10x10 km map? and the L3DT size to use 2048? Im just confused on these things I dont know exactly how the values are to be made. or what its multiplied by

for Highway7 it is:

Grid: 2048

Celle size: 5

Terrain size: 10240

Satmap: 10240x10240

Texturelayer: 40x40


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