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Hello guys. I found a lot ot threads about this but I have some issues:

I linked an opfor guy to every FIA unit in my mission, but they act stupidly and weirdly... it takes some seconds for em to act, and a patrol group of 5 persons don't act at all, or almost.. they simply look at the BLUFOR soldiers and throw grenades, nothing more.. to this group I linked an OPFOR guy to the team leader with highest rank.

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(in editor)You could put FIA group, OPFOR soldier with higher rank than leader of FIA group, and probability of presence to 0 and group him with FIA group. In that case FIA group is OPFOR

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In the init field of each FIA group leader:

this call fnc_makeOPFOR


    _units = units (group _this);
    _newGroup = createGroup east;
    _units join _newGroup;

Note that for this to work the OPFOR side will need to have been initialized (easily done by placing a single OPFOR unit anywhere in the editor).

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In the init field of each FIA group leader:

this call fnc_makeOPFOR


    _units = units (group _this);
    _newGroup = createGroup east;
    _units join _newGroup;

Note that for this to work the OPFOR side will need to have been initialized (easily done by placing a single OPFOR unit anywhere in the editor).

is that fnc_makeOPFOR a .sqf file?

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Why not just use the opfor guerilla units?

testUnit1 = (createGroup east) createUnit ['O_G_Soldier_F',position player,[],0,'NONE'];

testUnit2 = (createGroup east) createUnit ['O_G_Soldier_TL_F',position player,[],0,'NONE'];

testUnit3 = (createGroup east) createUnit ['O_G_Sharpshooter_F',position player,[],0,'NONE'];


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Why not just use the opfor guerilla units?

testUnit1 = (createGroup east) createUnit ['O_G_Soldier_F',position player,[],0,'NONE'];

testUnit2 = (createGroup east) createUnit ['O_G_Soldier_TL_F',position player,[],0,'NONE'];

testUnit3 = (createGroup east) createUnit ['O_G_Sharpshooter_F',position player,[],0,'NONE'];


So I simply put that code in a trigger?

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So I simply put that code in a trigger?

not sure

was just pointing out that there are dedicated opfor guerilla units.

i may have misread your post, are you interested in having good guerillas switch sides and attack friendlies, or just have opfor guerillas?

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So I simply put that code in a trigger?

This will spawn a group of 6 OpFor Guerilla units with skill set to 0.4 and behavior set to 'SAFE', which will then patrol 150m around where you place the trigger.

Within the ArmA 3 Editor,

create a trigger where you want the patrol to start.

Size 0,0,0.

Activation BLUFOR, ONCE and NOT Present.

Then stick this in the ON ACT:

grp = [getpos thistrigger,EAST, ["O_G_officer_F","O_G_Soldier_lite_F","O_G_Soldier_AR_F","O_G_medic_F","O_G_Soldier_exp_F","O_G_Soldier_GL_F"],[],[],0.4] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;[grp,(getPos thistrigger),150] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;grp setBehaviour 'SAFE';

OpFor Guerilla units can be any of the following classes:-














Edited by Beerkan

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