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Weird disappearing polygons on character model

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Hey there.

I am having a very weird issue with a character model I am working on. The basis is the Miles model from Arma 2 which I am converting to Arma 3 for CUP. The problem with the model is that since the vests and stuff is baked in, there is no way but to remodel the upper part of it. I essentially threw the entire upper body away and repainted my own woodland texture (the ones from arma 2 were incomplete).

This is how the model looks when he isn't holding a weapon. I know I need to tweak the shinyness of his shirt to not look wet :)


(Click for a larger version)

However, once I take a weapon, I get this:


Several polygons simply disappear, and the weapon proxy position is completely screwed up. At first I thought this was a weighting issue, but the mesh deforms normally when I rig it in Blender, and applying a standard RTM in O2 also works (as well as displaying correctly in Bulldozer).

In addition to that I get a few other weird errors and error messages (I am using the Dev build diag binary):

  • I get an error message in the RPT and as a dialog box during the game that says: c:\w\dev\futura\lib\d3d11\engdd11.cpp(22557)(func: DX11::EngineDD11::PrepareCollimatorUVMatrix) [AssertRLS] MainThread=26124 Cannot prepare collimator UV matrix - collimator info is not set.
  • When I switch to Pilot View the player camera is on the floor, and using ALT will not work.
  • Sometimes firing the weapon will result in a total freeze or will result in only the lowest LOD being loaded for all models, including subsequent models.

The RPT file is clean, the above message is the only one I get.

What I tried so far:

  • Removed all textures and RVMats and replaced them with simple procedural colors
  • Removed all rvmats and replaced them with default.rvmat
  • The binlog complained about some vertices haveing more than 4 bones, I corrected that so that there are at most 4 bones and the binlog is clear. No change.

I am really running out of ideas.

Any help highly appreciated.

~~ Alwarren

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No idea what it could be but throwing some ideas regardless:

iirc Mikero said that using an A2 skeleton in A3 will create errors/ should not be done. Do you use the A3 skeleton?

If that doesnt help - maybe try and delete all selections and assign them to a single bone (e.g. head), just to see if the weighting was somehow broken and therefore produces those errors? In that case i guess you'd have to re-weight the model.

Redo the UV (very quickly), just to isolate if it's a UV problem.

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Yeah I'm using the Àrma 3 skeleton. In the meantime I tried using the character example from the tools as a model and it exhibits the same issues. So this is either a config issue (which I don't really think), or something in my blend file screw's up the export. I wouldn't know what, though.

Send from my tablet, so pardon any autocorrect bollocks

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Well seems I fixed it, or rather I worked around it. I took one of my other models and replaced the geometry wit the new one, and there it works. I still do not have the slightest idea though what the two reason was for the problem.

Send from my tablet, so pardon any autocorrect bollocks

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Well seems I fixed it, or rather I worked around it. I took one of my other models and replaced the geometry wit the new one, and there it works. I still do not have the slightest idea though what the two reason was for the problem.

Send from my tablet, so pardon any autocorrect bollocks


For completeness sake, since I always hate it when I find a topic and it isn't answered, here's what I think was the reason for it: The model didn't have a Pilot view. Apparently, you get all sorts of weird behavior without a pilot view. For example, even though the proxies are there, without a pilot view in the model you do not get headgear to show up even in thrid person view, you get the shadow but not the model.


So if you have any such problem, make sure you have a View Pilot LOD in your uniform model :)

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