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Bullet Cam - Slow Time

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Hi guys,

Just wondering if theres a way to disable the kill cam untill a direct hit is detected.

When detected, it will slow down time as it leaves the barrel for a couple of seconds, then time slowed down again as its 5 m away from the target.

I do believe time can be slowed down in ArmA, just wish if theres a way to make the above work for the kill cam.

Also, dont worry about MP side, im only looking for a SinglePlayer version of my question.

Kind Regards,

Rawner135 / Ranwer

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It sounds like script would have to know that the bullet is on target and the bullet will be the fatal damage so script already knows the damage state of target. I will love to see this also.

My KillCam mod works a bit differently but it only fires on killed event handler and does not include bullet cam. See here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=2854518

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I think I just found the answer to slowing time ;)

Link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setAccTime

Even though setAccTime speeds up time, but what about using a negative symbol on the left of the number :D

So therefore, using a negative symbol will slow down time:

setAccTime -1;

On another discovery, If I name my enemy unit target1, and my player unit player1. I could use a cursorTarget function to detect the direct hit! :o

//Enemy's init (in editor)

player addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this execVM "detection_init.sqf"}];


targetView = cursorTarget;
If (targetView == target1) then
[] execVM "kill_cam.sqf";
titleText ["You Missed!", "PLAIN DOWN"];

Well that seems to be solved now, but not sure if it works because I'm not on arma right now XD
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I think I just found the answer to slowing time ;)Link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setAccTimeEven though setAccTime speeds up time, but what about using a negative symbol on the left of the number :DSo therefore, using a negative symbol will slow down time:

setAccTime -1;
On another discovery, If I name my enemy unit target1, and my player unit player1. I could use a cursorTarget function to detect the direct hit! :O
//Enemy's init (in editor)

[URL="https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/player"][FONT=Courier New]player[/FONT][/URL][FONT=Courier New] [B]addEventHandler[/B] ["Fired", {_this [/FONT][URL="https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/exec"][FONT=Courier New]exec[/FONT][/URL][FONT=Courier New]VM "detection_init.sqf"}][/FONT]


target1 = cursorTarget;
If (target1 = true) then
[] execVM "kill_cam.sqf";
player say3D "DarnIMissed";

Well that seems to be solved now, but not sure if it works because I'm not on arma right now XD

So did it work?

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So did it work?


Updated the code above now, so yes it should work now.  :)



Although, using cursorTarget could be a bit inaccurate, so it may report back success if you aim a little off.

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Updated the code above now, so yes it should work now.  :)



Although, using cursorTarget could be a bit inaccurate, so it may report back success if you aim a little off.

I actually want to use it only when the player shoots an enemy unit defined by _veh under the sqf. And the slow motion to immediately exit after hitting the target and not stay there for about a real-time second afterwards. (like a video by Armaidiot).



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I doubt that would work. I mean, what if there's bullet drop? Or the target moves after firing? And if I recall correctly cursortarget isn't always that accurate.

Reliably predicting the bullet's trajectory would be nearly impossible. Using hit/killed EHs would probably work better.


And setacctime only accepts values  above zero, so 0.1 would probably be slow enough.

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I doubt that would work. I mean, what if there's bullet drop? Or the target moves after firing? And if I recall correctly cursortarget isn't always that accurate.

Reliably predicting the bullet's trajectory would be nearly impossible. Using hit/killed EHs would probably work better.


And setacctime only accepts values  above zero, so 0.1 would probably be slow enough.



I understand that, but the script above is not intended to be complete but a guided solution for my problem (which I am aware of some of those issues you have pointed out). I was originaly after a slow motion script that fires before the bullet fatally kills the target.

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player addEventHandler ["Fired",
	_bullet = (_this select 6);
	_bullet spawn
		hint "Shot fired\nBegin Collecting Data";
		_lineBreak = toString [13, 10];
		_data = "----------" + _linebreak + "BEGIN SHOT DATA" + _linebreak + "----------" + _linebreak;
                _startTime = time;
		while {speed _this > 1} do
			_data = _data + (str (velocity _this) + _linebreak);
                _endTime = time;
		_data = _data + "----------" + _linebreak + "END SHOT DATA" + _linebreak + "----------" + _linebreak + "Start Time: " + (str _startTime) + " | " + "End Time: " + (str _endTime) + _linebreak + "Total Time: " + (str (_endTime - _startTime));
		copyToClipboard _data;
		hint "Shot stopped\nEnd Collecting Data";

Enjoy your data! Hope you're good at math!*


*Also, I recommend you shoot one at a time

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