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No entry error FullAuto.displayName?

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We are getting the weirdest error that we absolutely can not explain. With any of the weapons we have, if it has a full auto fire mode and you try to equip it, you receive an error:

"No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/TEI_GUN/FullAuto.displayName'."

After you get this error, all full auto modes in the game seem to break. This happened randomly and out of the blue. Some one please say you know what is causing this.

Edit: Just added a displayName parameter to the FullAuto class for a test weapon and no I get a "No entry blah/blah/blah/FullAuto.textureType"

This can't be our fault can it?

Okay so I managed to narrow it down to exactly what was causing the error (this by itself was giving me issues too) but I still don't understand what about it is causing the problem:

class cfgWeapons
class close;
class short;
class medium;
class far;
class player;
class autocannon_Base_F;
class autocannon_40mm_CTWS;
class Mode_FullAuto;
class TEI_Frig_PDG: autocannon_40mm_CTWS
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "M910 Point Defense Gun";
	model = "";
	minRange = 5;
	minRangeProbab = 0.7;
	midRange = 1200;
	midRangeProbab = 0.7;
	maxRange = 2500;
	maxRangeProbab = 0.1;
	reloadTime = 0.12;
	aiRateOfFire = 0.6;
	aiRateOfFireDistance = 500;
	magazineReloadTime = 2;
	autoReload = 1;
	ballisticsComputer = 1;
	canLock = 2;
	autoFire = 1;
	modes[] = {"player","close","short","medium","far"};
	shotFromTurret = 1;
	showAimCursorInternal = 0;

	muzzles[] = {"HE"};
	class player: Mode_FullAuto
		sounds[] = {"StandardSound"};
		class StandardSound
			begin1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\30mm\30mm_st_02",1.99526,1,1500};
			soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};
			weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle";
		soundContinuous = 0;
		reloadTime = 0.12;
		dispersion = 0.00035;
	class HE: autocannon_Base_F
		displayName = "50mm Point Defense Gun";
		magazines[] = {"TEI_100rd_50mm"};
		class player: player
			dispersion = 0.00055;
		class close: close
			dispersion = 0.00055;
		class short: short
			dispersion = 0.00055;
		class medium: medium
			dispersion = 0.00055;
		class far: far
			dispersion = 0.00055;

class cfgAmmo
class B_30mm_AP;
class TEI_50mm_PDG_ammo: B_30mm_AP
	hit = 80;
	indirectHit = 8;
	indirectHitRange = 0.2;
	caliber = 4.2;
	visibleFire = 32;
	audibleFire = 32;
	visibleFireTime = 3;
	cost = 50;
	model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_white";
	tracerScale = 2.5;
	tracerStartTime = 0.1;
	tracerEndTime = 2;
	muzzleEffect = "";
	deflecting = 10;
	typicalSpeed = 1651;
	airlock = 1;

class cfgMagazines
class 250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells;
class TEI_100rd_50mm: 250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells
	scope = 2;
	model = "";
	displayName = "100rd 50mm Shells";
	displayNameShort = "50mm";
	ammo = "TEI_50mm_PDG_ammo";
	count = 100;
	initSpeed = 1651;
	maxLeadSpeed = 300;
	nameSound = "cannon";
	tracersEvery = 1;
	weight = 126;

Edited by spacenavy90

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You can try this :

class cfgWeapons
class close;
class short;
class medium;
class far;
class autocannon_Base_F;
class autocannon_40mm_CTWS;
class TEI_Frig_PDG: autocannon_40mm_CTWS
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "M910 Point Defense Gun";
	model = "";
	minRange = 5;
	minRangeProbab = 0.7;
	midRange = 1200;
	midRangeProbab = 0.7;
	maxRange = 2500;
	maxRangeProbab = 0.1;
	reloadTime = 0.12;
	aiRateOfFire = 0.6;
	aiRateOfFireDistance = 500;
	magazineReloadTime = 2;
	autoReload = 1;
	ballisticsComputer = 1;
	canLock = 2;
	autoFire = 1;
	modes[] = {"player","close","short","medium","far"};
	shotFromTurret = 1;
	showAimCursorInternal = 0;

	muzzles[] = {"HE"};
	class player: Mode_FullAuto
		sounds[] = {"StandardSound"};
		class StandardSound
			begin1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\30mm\30mm_st_02",1.99526,1,1500};
			soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};
			weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle";
		soundContinuous = 0;
		reloadTime = 0.12;
		dispersion = 0.00035;
	class HE: autocannon_Base_F
		displayName = "50mm Point Defense Gun";
		magazines[] = {"TEI_100rd_50mm"};
		class player: player
			dispersion = 0.00055;
		class close: close
			dispersion = 0.00055;
		class short: short
			dispersion = 0.00055;
		class medium: medium
			dispersion = 0.00055;
		class far: far
			dispersion = 0.00055;

class cfgAmmo
class B_30mm_AP;
class TEI_50mm_PDG_ammo: B_30mm_AP
	hit = 80;
	indirectHit = 8;
	indirectHitRange = 0.2;
	caliber = 4.2;
	visibleFire = 32;
	audibleFire = 32;
	visibleFireTime = 3;
	cost = 50;
	model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_white";
	tracerScale = 2.5;
	tracerStartTime = 0.1;
	tracerEndTime = 2;
	muzzleEffect = "";
	deflecting = 10;
	typicalSpeed = 1651;
	airlock = 1;

class cfgMagazines
class 250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells;
class TEI_100rd_50mm: 250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells
	scope = 2;
	model = "";
	displayName = "100rd 50mm Shells";
	displayNameShort = "50mm";
	ammo = "TEI_50mm_PDG_ammo";
	count = 100;
	initSpeed = 1651;
	maxLeadSpeed = 300;
	nameSound = "cannon";
	tracersEvery = 1;
	weight = 126;

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Try like this:

class close;
class short;
class medium;
class far;
class player;
class Mode_FullAuto;

[color=#333333]class cfgWeapons[/color]{

   class autocannon_Base_F;
   class autocannon_40mm_CTWS;
   class TEI_Frig_PDG: autocannon_40mm_CTWS

       scope = 2;
       displayName = "M910 Point Defense Gun"; [color=#333333]  model = "";



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This started happening to me too. I dont know why... and its vanilla weapons class name listed. 


No entry.... /CFGweapons/arifle_mx_base_F/Fullauto.displayName



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