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civilian question

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in my mission,I want a West to be disguised as civilians and attack a Russian base. Is this possible? How do I arm the civilians and will the Russians be enemy units?

thanks again...

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i got it. sorry bout that...

but what's the short name for LAWs and Mortars? Anyone?

(Edited by privateydb at 1:28 pm on Dec. 24, 2001)

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lawlauncher and imm not quite sure wot the other is i aint seen it before.

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i found the answer on a tutorial....and then I gave up on that mission. But i got another one now,and more questions....

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*childish flames deleted*

If you can't post with a modicum of maturity you won't post at all.

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How do you get the civs to just walk about? I want them to wander about and drive trucks to random places, wander about and go away again.

I'm making this multiplayer map you see. There are three sides, US,Russian and resistance. Each starts with a team in a base or town somewhere on kolgujev. The idea is to capture every compound that I have marked off and find the secret ones that aren't highlighted on the map. Every time a compound is held without opposition nearby a team is airlifted in to hold it, but will do nothing else. Dotted around are various vehicles and ammo dumps etc... Does anyone want to take my rough beginning and finish it. I'm pressed for time and am also crap at making missions.

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