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Get AI passengers out of Ghosthawk helicopter? Player is the pilot.

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I am almost there with a mission where the player is ferrying a group of infantry to an LZ. I have everything else working, but I am not sure of a foolproof way of getting my passengers to disembark from the chopper. They are not grouped with the player and I have tried some code but it has not worked. There is a 90x90 trigger that I land on and this is intended to trigger when I land, but it is not working.

I have this code to tell them it eject:

{unassignVehicle x} forEach crew heli1;

and I had this code to test if my heli had landed:

isTouchingGround heli1

But it seems to not work when landing on solid ground. I need to have landed safely before I have troops jumping out. I need a way to tell my cargo to exit the vehicle and then give them a waypoint. Thanks for any help you can give me.

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Seems like it should be easy to just use waypoints on trigger.

Set to unload all troops in cargo when in trigger area on surface.The waypoint command should be "troops unload" as in all cargo only,not pilots.

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or put in init of one of the AI

 groupName = group this;

and in the trigger or whenever you want them to leave the heli use the leaveVehicle command

groupName leaveVehicle (vehicle (leader groupName));

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or put in init of one of the AI
 groupName = group this;

and in the trigger or whenever you want them to leave the heli use the leaveVehicle command

groupName leaveVehicle (vehicle (leader groupName));

Hmmmm never saw that command.

By the by Demonized,im using your A2 flare script,its great.I have a question about it,is it safe to still use in arma3 without any forseeable conflicts?Im using GAIA from MCC and she likes flares also,should this be a problem?

PS;I really like the way your flares are fired lower,unlike gaia it gives a better representation of enemy position.Hell AI are firing them into building windows with enemy inside and its an awesome sight:D

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try this

       doGetOut  _x;
       unassignVehicle _x
   } foreach assignedCargo (vehicle this);

or may be

{unassignVehicle x} forEach assignedCargo heli1;

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Hmmmm never saw that command.

By the by Demonized,im using your A2 flare script,its great.I have a question about it,is it safe to still use in arma3 without any forseeable conflicts?Im using GAIA from MCC and she likes flares also,should this be a problem?

PS;I really like the way your flares are fired lower,unlike gaia it gives a better representation of enemy position.Hell AI are firing them into building windows with enemy inside and its an awesome sight:D

I havent looked at that script in years, i will take a look when i get the chance to.

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