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There shouldn't be anymore Maritime Units/Clans after ArmA 3

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I have enjoying this platform going all the way back to Operation Flashpoint in 2001. The platform than, as now, is more focused on Land/Air Warfare. It has never put any stock realistically in Naval/Amphibious Warfare. Yes when ArmA came out it include US Marines in an update {more like an afterthought}. From there onward, Marines was used as if they were Army Sea Infantry. No transport ships, no naval fires, no insertion from the sea ... They just appeared from nowhere within the story line. Even than some in the community was asking, literally begging if you will, for maritime support. For little to no support has ever been provided. Me personally, I would be happy if the community could model ships and submarines up to 378 ft. (115 m), witch would be able to transit from one location to another in its real world functionality within a limited scope. But BI has not given the community any hope for such an event. I am not asking for the same overall function as VBS has, but just a little taste of it. For it is coming up on 15 years for this platform, an still there hasn't been any major support for maritime units. The Marines/SEALs are really Army, and no more. Don't get me wrong here, I truly love the members of the community who have modeled naval objects such as aircrafts, ships, and subs. But the engine doesn't support their affords in ship and sub building. For me, I have given up on this wish. This vision of a truly combine armed conflict driven by real world military doctrine. And from here on out I will conform to the platform that is here to stay. Go Army/Air Force.

Example of a combine/joint US task force:

USS George Washington Carrier Strike Group w/ Amphibious Ready Group (Carrier Strike Force)

22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit

1/82nd Airborne Division w/ 23rd, 314th, 437th, and 305th Fighter, and Airlift Wings

366th Fighter Wing

3rd Cavalry Regiment

10th Special Forces Group (EUCOM)

As you can see the first units mentioned are maritime units.

Edited by MasonDDG87

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Sounds more like frustration man. We have lcac, lhd, combat ships, aircraft carrier. With scripting cruise missle support, naval guns that can be integrated into a3 artillery system. Physx has made driving ships fun at sea. If anything arma naval assets are funner than ever right now. Ofcourse there are drawbacks, not perfect. But alot better than previous titles.

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Physx has made driving ships fun at sea.

Its also made amphibious assaults in BMPs/LAVs impossible due to the TankX simulation issue, a point the OP doesn't even mention. If this were a genuine complaint, I'd think that would have been a major point to make given the "Marines = Army Sea Infantry" that was made. Instead its another of those "bash BI because they haven't done X, Y and Z" threads.

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Its also made amphibious assaults in BMPs/LAVs impossible due to the TankX simulation issue, a point the OP doesn't even mention. If this were a genuine complaint, I'd think that would have been a major point to make given the "Marines = Army Sea Infantry" that was made. Instead its another of those "bash BI because they haven't done X, Y and Z" threads.

Come to think of it, I haven't come across the Amphibious transition glitch in awhile now. Guess I gotta to check that out sometime.

On another note, I don't consider this bashing of BIS. More of criticism. Look at it this way. Arma 2 had mainly inland Terrains, not much water sources, other than Chernarus and Utes, which is far smaller than Altis. But now in Arma 3, we have two island terrains, and the best we got was a revamped RHIB. It's alright, but it's diffidently not enough. Explain to be how the hell there were a ton of Tanks, APC's and Transports that magically made it over from Stratis to Altis. I Suppose Tanks can't swim, nor can any helicopter lift them. APC's, maybe they could swim a couple hundred miles to Altis. Transports, let's pretend the Huron lifted those over, but where are the Helicopters base of operations? It sure wasn't Stratis, or Altis. (Inb4 Expansion fills gap)

Still though, Arma 3'a fine, it's infantry focused, yeah I know. They could at least full the empty waters with something, it doesn't even have to be Armed. Theoretically, BIS could make a sea transport with working Heli Deck, the crew just waits inside till the ship stops, than they can go to the Heli Deck at sea when she is stationary and board the heli's. It's doable.

Edited by DarkSideSixOfficial

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For me I would like to see a Landing craft and also perhaps a more evolved submarine and also maybe one or two little ships to make more things in the sea

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