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Biggest Helicopter?

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What addon has the biggest helicopter in terms of seating? I'm talking like 30+. VTOL's included.

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Any addon with the Chinook or the MV-22 (kind of a mix of helo and fixed-wing), I think those are the biggest you will get that aren't "virtual" or concept designed, but actual real-life vehicles.

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Yeah that's what I thought thanks! But what about those concept designed ones? Are they any good?

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Well I don't know any, but was just making a point for the realism aspect, just in case there were any of those "concept design" type mods out there.

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The biggest addon seating is currently @kyo_mh47 then the CV22 from @USAF. The CV22 holds 16 people currently, Kyo's Chinook holds 20 people. Now if were talking biggest vehicle, it is the C17 which holds 20+ players, (or we can suppose the Nitmitz as seating, and it can hold maybe... I don't know, 45 crew?

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I don't play a great deal of A3 preferring A2 instead. However, the Mi26 will carry 58 inc crew safely. Now there is no problem with ai and a number of humans. Not sure regards all human players, as it can be a little buggy i.e. you don't see all seated inside although the seats are there. Usually there will be 3-5 not shown, but will exit at the destination safely. Not sure if it will work in A3 or for that matter whether or not its been ported (with permission), you would need to check it out.

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