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Custom Faction with Dependencies

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Hello everyone,

So, after many hours trying to figure out how to do this, I decided to come to y'all.

What I want to do is simple (enough): create an addon that is dependant on mod "A" for uniforms, mod "B" for weapons, and mod "C" for vehicles. I don't (think I) need my hand held through the entire process, however a little help would be handy.

Thank you in advance.

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If you are not changing textures, then all your work is on the config level. You need to look for the classnames in the config.cpp/bin in mod A/B/C and create your own addon with config which will use mods A/B/C classes as its base classes. You need to do this separately for uniforms ( soldiers ) including weapons they use, and then vehicles, which will be populated by your newly created infantry faction. Make sure not to use same factions and classes as mods you want to make it dependent on, or you will face errors and conflicts.

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That link be very useful once I actually have time for doing retextures and such.

And I'll try to see what I can do, thanks so far:D

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Any luck? I need to create a faction as well. Here is my Config.ccp. The link didn't help me with defining a new faction structure. Also with dependencies, what would the actual structure look like on that particular line? I have like 18 mods installed, do I have to list all of them? If you can't tell, this is my first attempt at anything of this magnitude. I want the new faction with place-able groups in the end. I already have the gear and such picked out.

class CfgPatches


class ASF


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {"a3_characters_F"};



class cfgFactionClasses


class ASF //Faction Calling Name


displayName = "Altis Security Force"; //Faction name in-game

priority = 1; //How far down it is on the menu

side = 3; // 1 Blufor 2 opfor 3 independant i think.



class CfgVehicleClasses


class ASF_basic_officer //Name of unit group e.g Air, Infantry, Armour


displayName = "Patrol Officer"; //In-game name

priority = 1; // How far down it is on the menu



class CfgVehicles


class B_Soldier_base_F; //Blufor Soldier

class basic_officer: B_Soldier_base_F //Unit Class name: Class getting info from


side = 3; //Blufor

faction = "ASF"; //Your Faction

vehicleclass = "Police"; //Unit Group

_generalMacro = "Patrol Officer"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "Patrol Officer"; //In-Game Name

weapons[] = {"CUP_hgun_TaurusTracker455","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_hgun_TaurusTracker455","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {"CUP_6Rnd_45ACP_M","CUP_6Rnd_45ACP_M","CUP_6Rnd_45ACP_M"};

respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_6Rnd_45ACP_M","CUP_6Rnd_45ACP_M","CUP_6Rnd_45ACP_M"};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"rds_police_cap","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","G_Aviator"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"rds_police_cap","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","G_Aviator"};

model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "rds_uniform_Policeman"; //uniform you are using



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