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Need urgent help - losing space on my hard drive!

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The problem still persist and I have no solution.

By deleting files, I managed to get a lot of space. The problem is that my hard drive still keep filling up. After a windows ~250mb update I lost 32 gig again. Two ago weeks I SUDDENLY got 32 gigs of free space out of nowhere. Now, I have lost 13 gig again. I use Advanced Systemcare to keep my computer fresh. But defragging the registry and so forth tends decrease the space on my hard drive and therefore make things worse. Same thing goes with windows updates. They make things go worse.

Edited by Cyper

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Have you tried my suggestion?

The problem is getting near its end.. 25 gig of space is left. I have lost well over 200 gig of space. Considering I also have removed stuff from my disc

the total amount of lost space is about 300 gig.

I tried your solution. I can't see any process that seems to eat up my space.. and I have no idea what normal usage is, for example, for the system.:(

Here is a pic.

http://oi62.tinypic.com/4uwj68.jpg (123 kB)

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A couple of those 'System' processes seem to lead to 'C:\program files\...' and they are writing to your disk in that screenshot, have you checked those folders?

Another thing you can do is just to start checking folders for their size. Start in your root C: and just select a bunch of folders and check their size until you find some that are suspiciously big, if you do it efficiently (like checking half of the folders at the same time, then narrowing it down if you need to) it wouldnt take very long to find out where all this space is being used. Something must be using up all that space.

I am not sure if you tried the 'datemodified:‎16-7-‎2015' file search suggestion, but it should also reveal the files as long as you know the date they were added or changed.

Edited by NeMeSiS

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Well, windirstat seems to be a good way to track down big files. But big files is not the issue in the first place.

The issue is that my hard drive space increase when I am doing absolutely nothing. I may spend a whole day studying, writing in word, and then the disc space may increase 6+gig.

Since I created this topic, another 2 gig have been lost - and I have not saved anything except two word documents.

Maybe it has something to do with windows restore points? Because I have lost almost 40 gig the last two weeks by doing nothing. And I have stopped to use Advanced Systemcare because it only makes more space be wasted.

I'd suggest you try windorstat again, but this time drilling down into *folders* size, not file size. As was said, it is a really really good tool for that.

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use Disk Space Fan 4 Free

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The problem still persist and I have no solution.


Have you tried all the suggestions here? Because if you had, I'm sure you'd be closer to a solution.

I'm going to put this suggestion again, because you are clearly expecting a solution to magically present itself with you doing little work to find it.


Edited by Tankbuster

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Have you tried all the suggestions here? Because if you had, I'm sure you'd be closer to a solution.

I'm going to put this suggestion again, because you are clearly expecting a solution to magically present itself with you doing little work to find it.


I have tried windirstat. I used it to remove maps taking up hard-drive space. It saved me space, but my harddrive keeps filling up by itself. I have also googled for solutions.

Now I magically have 202 gig of space left on my hardrive. One hour ago when I booted up my PC, I had 20 gig left.


This is the second time it happens. I therefore doubt its a coincidence. It's like if my hardrive is eating up space and when there is very little space left, like 15-20 gig, the harddrive is cleaning itself.

That is at least one step closer to a solution. My computer might store lots of debris for some reason? Because take note that harddrive space isn't constantly rising. I might loose five gig in an hour, then get two more gigs. Loose one. Get one. Loose ten get two etc.

Edited by Cyper

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