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Trying to loop a something. need help

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Hello, this is a bit of beginner question. How would I make this script repeat every 10 seconds. I know it is something like "while true do" and then "sleep 10". I can't seem to get the ordering right. This script applies a revive script to all Blu units. With mods like ALiVE and MCC constantly spawning new troops in my missions I'd like this script to be continuously running.



if ((side _x) == West) then


_x call btc_qr_fnc_unit_init


} forEach allUnits;



couldn't get forum to keep spacing.



Edited by CitazenMan

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Hello, this is a bit of beginner question. How would I make this script repeat every 10 seconds. I know it is something like "while true do" and then "sleep 10". I can't seem to get the ordering right. This script applies a revive script to all Blu units. With mods like ALiVE and MCC constantly spawning new troops in my missions I'd like this script to be continuously running.



if ((side _x) == West) then


_x call btc_qr_fnc_unit_init


} forEach allUnits;



couldn't get forum to keep spacing.



[color="#FF8040"][color="#191970"][b]while[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]{[/b][/color][color="#000000"]true[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]}[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]do[/b][/color] 
   [color="#191970"][b]if[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]([/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]([/b][/color][color="#191970"][b]side[/b][/color] [color="#000000"]_x[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b])[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]=[/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]=[/b][/color] [color="#000000"]west[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b])[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]then[/b][/color]
	  [color="#000000"]_x[/color] [color="#191970"][b]call[/b][/color] btc_qr_fnc_unit_init
[color="#8B3E2F"][b]}[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]forEach[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]allUnits[/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
[color="#191970"][b]sleep[/b][/color] [color="#FF0000"]10[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]

Made with KK's SQF to BBCode Converter

There you go

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yup, I didn't expect you experienced guys to have to ponder over this one too heavily lol.

Thank you very much

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