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Blocking turret from rotating

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I am currently adding some additional seats to vehicles, in this case BRMD2.

So, the question is how to block turret from rotating when soldier get in.

http://www.dodaj.rs/f/3a/Jm/2Flonuqw/arma320150203231107175.png (986 kB)

	class Turrets: Turrets
		class MainTurret: MainTurret
			body = "mainTurret";
			gun = "mainGun";
			weapons[] = {"saf_mgun_kpvt","saf_mgun_pkt"};
			soundServo[]={\saf_a3_sounds\vehicles\turret-1, db-20, 1.0,15};
			magazines[] = {500Rnd_145x115_SAF_KPVT,250Rnd_762x54_SAF_M84_Box};
			class ViewOptics
				initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX=+60;
				initAngleY=0; minAngleY=0; maxAngleY=0;
				initFov=0.200; minFov=0.058; maxFov=0.200; // (initFov=0.203; minFov=0.203; maxFov=0.203;)
			class ViewGunner
     				initAngleX=5; minAngleX=-65; maxAngleX=+85; //Rg 30;
     				initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-150; maxAngleY=+150; //Rg 100;
				initFov=0.7; minFov=0.25; maxFov=1.1;
			gunnerAction = BRDM2_Gunner;
			gunnerGetInAction = GetInHigh;
			gunnerGetOutAction = GetOutHigh;
			gunnerOpticsModel = "\saf_veh_common\optika_BRDM";
			gunnerForceOptics = 1;
			stabilizedInAxes = StabilizedInAxesNone;
			class HitPoints : HitPoints
				class HitTurret {armor=0.8;material=-1;name="vez";visual="vez";passThrough=1;};
		class CargoTurret_01: CargoTurret 						/// position for Firing from Vehicles
			gunnerAction 				= "BRDM2_Cargo03";	/// generic animation for sitting inside with rifle ready
			gunnerCompartments 			= "Compartment2";		/// gunner is not able to switch seats
			memoryPointsGetInGunner 	= "pos cargo";		/// specific memory points to allow choice of position
			memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir 	= "pos cargo dir";	/// direction of get in action
			gunnerName 					= "Passenger 1 (Outside)";	/// name of the position in the Action menu
			proxyIndex 					= 5;					/// what cargo proxy is used according to index in the model
			maxElev 					= 15;					/// what is the highest possible elevation of the turret
			minElev 					= -25;					/// what is the lowest possible elevation of the turret
			maxTurn 					= 45;					/// what is the left-most possible turn of the turret
			minTurn 					= -15;					/// what is the right-most possible turn of the turret
			isPersonTurret 				= 0;					/// enables firing from vehicle functionality
			ejectDeadGunner 			= 0;					/// seatbelts included
			enabledByAnimationSource 	= "Doors";				/// doesn't work unless the said animation source is 1
		class CargoTurret_02: CargoTurret_01 						/// position for Firing from Vehicles
			gunnerAction 				= "BRDM2_Cargo04";	/// generic animation for sitting inside with rifle ready
			proxyIndex 					= 6;					/// what cargo proxy is used according to index in the model
			gunnerName 					= "Passenger 2 (Outside)";	/// name of the position in the Action menu
		class CargoTurret_03: CargoTurret_01 						/// position for Firing from Vehicles
			gunnerAction 				= "BRDM2_Cargo05";	/// generic animation for sitting inside with rifle ready
			proxyIndex 					= 7;					/// what cargo proxy is used according to index in the model
			gunnerName 					= "Passenger 3 (Outside)";	/// name of the position in the Action menu


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I would assume making the gunner turn out would be the best way of achieving this, although I don't know how to do so.

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you could propably damage the turret drive so that it can't move and repair it once the soldiers are off? It's pretty hacky though...

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