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How do I change the skill level for AI spawned with Spawn AI module??

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I've just started messing with the Spawn AI and Spawn AI: Spawnpoint modules. I'm also using the Spawn AI: Sector Tactic module to make the AI try to capture a sector.

How do I change the skill level of the units which are spawned? It's a crucial question for me since i'm using the AI mod BCombat and it seems to need the skill slider for placed units set all the way up- else you can people standing 5 meters away from each other emptying clips but missing.

Is there a way to set all AI units 'skill level' ? (change it as in mimic the effect of turning the skill level slider all the way up on placed units in the editor)

Alternatively, is there a way to use a trigger to set this skill level? (so I can just set it in the spawn zone and change the units as they spawn)

---------- Post added at 15:42 ---------- Previous post was at 14:19 ----------

Ok I just found this page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setSkill

It gives the example:

_unit setskill 1

And Says the range is from 0 to 1.

Does anyone know if this command will work for multiplayer? Also, where can I put this command and how can I make it blanket apply to all AI, or atleast a whole team at a time? Since the game is spawning the AI by itself, I can't name them all individually (like the above code example would have me do).

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In the expression field of the module:

{_x setSkill #} forEach units (group (_this select 0));

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In the expression field of the module:


{_x setSkill #} forEach units (group (_this select 0));

Where do I put the skill level number?

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Where do I put the skill level number?

Where you see '#' you would put your skill level number. I used '#' as a placeholder.

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So when I did this it seems to have broken the AI sector tactic, ie the ai no longer go for sectors and just stand there.  It did change the skill though, I checked in zeus.  Any ideas

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