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Too many objects in grid 255,255

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I'm a beginner in mapping and Terrain Builder and sorry for my bad english. I downloaded the source from the applegate map here. Everything is fine. I can export my map to a *.wrp file. But when I want to try the map the loading screen appears and Arma 3 crashes with the error "Too many objects in grid rectangle 255,255". I get the same error when I change nothing on the source (no new buildings or so). So I checked if there are objects in E 255 N 255 but there is nothing. Is someone here who can help me?

And sorry again, I'm a beginner with bad english. :P


Edited by aspire0ne

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//PUSH! Sorry for the push but I think the problem is my config because it works with the original Arma 2 config. Can someone check it?

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I've gotten that error when road paths were outside the terrain area. Check that first.

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I know that sometimes I used to get that for things being "out of bounds" or literally "too many objects" in one place. I accidentally stacked hundreds of telephone posts on top of each other. It might be worth checking.

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Thanks everyone. I fixed it. The issue was a }; in the config that was not correct placed. But now another problem occurred. Some buildings and trees (mainly arma 2 content) are in the ground (obect elevation in TB seems to be correct). A picture is attached. In Addition the ground texture is missing. In TB there are randomly placed objects that I cant identify. When I import the source to Visitor 3 instead of TB these randomly objects are not there and the Map works fine (only ground texture is missing but I think this is a small change in the config). I took some screens. I want to use Terrain Builder because I want to port the map to Arma 3.

Thanks for you help guys!

Random objects: Picture 1, picture 2, picture 3

Missing ground texture an object elevation fail: Picture 1, picture 2, picture 3

Edited by aspire0ne

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