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128 Audio Channels

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I posted this Q in another thread but it may be better suited here.

Is HW support on sound car reuired to get 128 channels working or is it done on the CPU? I'm able to set 128 in the setup but can't really hear any difference from 32 channels. Maybe it's just me loosing my hearing at age :confused:


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Channels probably means how many different sounds you can hear at the same time, before the engine cuts them off. You'll need 128 people firing, moving, driving, exploding, etc at the same time to notice a difference.

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99,9% of modern games use the CPU for sound mixing, so it does not matter what sound card you have.

Hardware sound acceleration was mostly used before Windows Vista was released. Vista dropped support for that so game devs stopped implementing the feature.

Now don't get me wrong, sound cards still matter if you are serious about sound, but not for hardware mixing of games.

Setting the channels option to 128 is pretty much telling the game engine that "you are now allowed to play up to 128 sound samples simultaneously". Every sound sample takes CPU cycles, so it might impact your framerate slightly in scenes where a lot of sounds are playing at the same time.

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Thanks for clarifying.


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