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Azza FHI

Less server traffic since last A3 patch

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In our clan we are keen on fine tuning everything (mods,server etc) for performance, especially as we gradually get more players in game.

I am constantly monitoring the server fps & network traffic during missions. Previously we had 25 players in game with a fair amount of AI in AO and the server would output 25 - 30 Mb/s.

lately I have noticed that it is no where near this figure, but rather 5 - 8mb max.

im not saying this is a bad thing, but we are trying to determine what causes certain lag spikes that we are experiencing, so im wondering if anyone can confirm that this is a result of an A3 patch. and does anyone else have any figures to compare to?


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Unless your clan only plays 1 mission continously the only way you can really monitor the changes is to use a "Benchmark" mission, ideally one of your own design that mirrors the type of mission your members like to play.

This benchmark mission has to be non dynamic, as in it plays the same way every time. This however has the disadvantage that your members don't want to play it because it's boring.

Taking a broader look at the changes between patches is almost impossible without applying this method due to the many different elements that effect it.

In my opinion the perfect benchmark mission is

  1. Exactly the same players for each test (Their ping, bandwidth and systems performance does have an effect on the server and the more players you have the more noticeable this is.)
  2. A.I that do not interact with the players running the same routines
    • One set of AI in a firing line continuously firing their weapons at non killable targets using an auto ammo resupply script
    • A set of AI running cycle waypoints continously changing formations using vehicles of type
      • Land
      • Air
      • Sea

[*]Running scripts that utilise network traffic and that stress the cpu

[*]Some way to setpos players around so that their clients report changes to the server

[*] logging the cps data for comparison, i.e. output to the .rpt file via diag_log

What you basically want to achieve is as large a consistant player test mission that simulates an even larger scale of mission that can push the server to stress test it.

Think of all of the elements that are running in a mission

The type of information that is being sent over the network

The type of information that is being processed on the server end

Once you can create that, then comparison becomes a more realistic achievement.

Having tried to achieve a good testing benchmark mission, i finally gave up mainly due to not being able to achieve consistent player lists for testing and now use a popular public style mission to monitor performance. For us this is our version of Roy 86's patrol ops 3.1

Due to its constant play with around 40 players we can get a "feel" for the effect of patch changes. This is FOR US our best benchmark mission.

As Dwarden stated "Optimisation", but he didn't elaborate

Dwarden has been working very hard behind the scenes to attain higher Server Performance for us.

From what i can gather, he now has a small team of Devs that he can approach which work on performance gains

These are constantly being released as stable patch candidates (R.C's)for testing to NON B.I server admins (Not for the dev channel, but for the stable channel)

B.I have also given him some Official B.I servers that he uses to collect data and test, which when successful are then released for public testing and then finally added to the next stable patch

Server optimisation has been a slow grinding progress but things are steadily improving.

We are nowhere near the number of A.I that could be run on an Arma 2 server, maybe we never will achieve that due to the larger island sizes and the number of scripts now running in the background but its certainly a lot better than it was and still on the right track

So the answer to your question is.... yes every patch will bring some performance tweaks

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