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How to stick part of buildings together ? (hospital)

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I am trying to stick building pieces together but can't succeed it.

In fact I try to add an hospital in Startis. The hospital is composed of 3 differents parts that should be "merged".

I tried to play with setPos, setPosASL but never succeed.

Here is what I get :


You see, the three parts are "disconnected" and are not at the same level (I mean the slide 1 is lower than the main part)

Does anyone know how to assemble this hospital ?

Thanks !

NB : Don't tell me I have to place them manually :p

NB2 : I don't know if it's important but I always use "this setVectorUp [0,0,1]" in the init field of my buildings, in order to get my buildings vertically.

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Somebody asked this a while ago so if you use the search function in this forum you will find the thread.

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Wow, thanks a lot, it works like a charm.

Here is what I've done thanks to your code :

1) Add a game logic named "Hospital"

2) Copy paste this code in the game logic init fields

hs = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_main_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
hs setDir (getDir this);
hs setPosATL (getPosATL this);
var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side1_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
var attachTo [hs, [4.69775,32.6045,-0.1125]];
detach var;
var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side2_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
var attachTo [hs, [-28.0336,-10.0317,0.0889387]];
detach var;

Code is from Killzone_Kid

3) Then the hospital appears where is located the game logic

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This will create as many hospitals as players on the server + 1 for dedicated server if you use it in mp. It has to be server only execution to work properly.

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This will create as many hospitals as players on the server + 1 for dedicated server if you use it in mp. It has to be server only execution to work properly.

You mean I have to check isServer ? Doing something like that :

if (isServer) then
   hs = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_main_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
   hs setDir (getDir this);
   hs setPosATL (getPosATL this);
   var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side1_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
   var attachTo [hs, [4.69775,32.6045,-0.1125]];
   detach var;
   var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side2_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
   var attachTo [hs, [-28.0336,-10.0317,0.0889387]];
   detach var;

Thanks again for your advice.

Edited by Zombitch

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That would be correct, just don't forget the then and the semicolon at the end :).

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