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My script for giving the player a good loadout.

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This is the script I am using for my mission to give the player a good loadout at the start of the mission. Edit the classnames to your liking, but this should be very helpful to someone who wants to make their player start with a custom loadout.

player unassignitem "NVGoggles";
player removeitem "NVGoggles";
removeAllWeapons player;
removeAllItems player;
removeBackpack player;
player addUniform 'U_B_CombatUniform_mcam';
player addHeadgear 'H_HelmetB_paint';
player addVest 'V_PlateCarrier_Kerry';
player addMagazines ['HandGrenade', 2];
player addMagazines ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 2];
player addMagazines ['HLC_45rnd_762x39_T_RPK', 7];
player addweapon 'hlc_rifle_rpk';
player addweapon 'hgun_Rook40_snds_F';
player addPrimaryWeaponItem 'hlc_optic_goshawk';
player addPrimaryWeaponItem "hlc_muzzle_762SUP_AK";
player addWeapon 'Rangefinder';

Just a question while I am here; does the sting SMG and the Rook handgun share magazines? As I can put a 30 round magazine in the handgun and the SMG.

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I would think you answered your own question, with your question :p.

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Simply use BIS' Virtual Arsenal mode under "LEARN" cat. on the main menu. Select the desired stuff and export it.

Most comfortable way of making custom loadouts and appearances, it is.

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