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Script not working on multiplayer dedicated server, works fine on editor

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    Actually, other than the setVariable to stop others from using the range, I guess it's all local anyway.  Oh well :)

thanks for the help, at least i can base my other ranges off of this now

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Tested as working on hosted and dedicated server

It still pops up multiple targets and goes past number of max targets on the server. It has to be something with multiple people on the server, as it works fine when i am on the server alone doing it or in editor.

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It still pops up multiple targets and goes past number of max targets on the server. It has to be something with multiple people on the server, as it works fine when i am on the server alone doing it or in editor.


How are you running the script?  I tested with three people on a hosted and dedicated server and didn't see that happening.

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How are you running the script?  I tested with three people on a hosted and dedicated server and didn't see that happening.

still running the script off of a range master and it works fine for about half of the time then it starts having additional ones popping up

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Sounds like the mission is maybe just lagging and commands are getting lost or slowing down.  We could probably just replace most of those remoteExec's with simply local calls, but there's not a lot that that particular script is doing.  Maybe change the call to spawn?

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Sounds like the mission is maybe just lagging and commands are getting lost or slowing down.  We could probably just replace most of those remoteExec's with simply local calls, but there's not a lot that that particular script is doing.  Maybe change the call to spawn?

Ok so its got something to do with people being close to the rangemaster as i had the shooter call the function as I was standing 10 meters away and the function worked perfectly until the score. it counted him having 8 hits when I was watching him get 38/40.

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Here is something i did very fast.

/* For messaging the clients via server */
Global_msg = {
	private ["_msg"];	
	params ["_msg"];
	hint _msg;	

Start_Loop = {
	/* Start the loop here */
	[] spawn {
		private ["_inc","_count","_targets","_many"];

		_inc   = 0;
		_count   = 0;
		_targets = [pt2, pt2_1, pt2_2, pt2_3, pt2_4, pt2_5];
		_many    =  count _targets;
		{_x  animate["terc",1]} forEach _targets;

		while {true} do 
			_rnumber = floor random _many;
			_rtarget = _targets select _rnumber;
			_rtarget animate["terc", 0];

			sleep 6;

			if (_rtarget animationPhase "terc" > 0.1) then {
				_count = _count+1;

			hint format ["Targets :%1 Hit :%2",_inc+1,_count];

			_rtarget animate["terc", 1];
			_inc = _inc + 1;

			if (!(Loop_Alive)) exitWith {
				hint "Session Complete,";

				sleep 5;

				if (_count >= 36) exitWith {
					hint "You Scored EXPERT";

				if (_count <= 32)  exitWith {
					hint "You Scored SHARPSHOOTER";

				if (_count <= 23)  exitWith {
					hint "You Scored MARKSMAN";

				if (_count <= 9) exitWith {
					hint "You Scored Below Minimum Standards, Try Again";

/* Must run serverside so everyone is equaltd with the timing on the loop */
if (isServer) then {
	private ["_msg"];

	Loop_Alive = false;
	publicVariable "Loop_Alive";

	_msg "Welcome to the 82nd Airborne Division Qualification Range";
	[_msg] remoteExec ["Global_msg"];
	sleep 5;
	_msg "Remember to reload!";
	[_msg] remoteExec ["Global_msg"];
	sleep 5;
	_msg "Setting up the Range";
	[_msg] remoteExec ["Global_msg"];
	sleep 3;
	_msg "The Qualification Course will begin in 10 Seconds";
	[_msg] remoteExec ["Global_msg"];
	sleep 2;
	_msg "The Qualification Course will begin in 8 Seconds";
	[_msg] remoteExec ["Global_msg"];
	sleep 2;
	_msg "The Qualification Course will begin in 6 Seconds";
	[_msg] remoteExec ["Global_msg"];
	sleep 2;
	_msg "The Qualification Course will begin in 4 Seconds";
	[_msg] remoteExec ["Global_msg"];
	sleep 2;
	_msg "The Qualification Course will begin in 2 Seconds";
	[_msg] remoteExec ["Global_msg"];
	sleep 2;
	_msg "Begin!";
	[_msg] remoteExec ["Global_msg"];
	[] remoteExec ["Start_Loop"];

	Loop_Alive = true;
	publicVariable "Loop_Alive";

	sleep 8;

	Loop_Alive = false;
	publicVariable "Loop_Alive";

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