SENSEII 104 Posted December 20, 2014 OverviewDynamic Combat Generator (DCG) is a coop mission that uses locations (towns, cities and capitals) as the basis for its systems. At the start of the mission enemy forces occupy a number of locations; they properly fortify and patrol the area based on the type of settlement. One of the occupied locations contains an enemy officer with valuable intel. The first objective is to gather said intel. From this point, DCG will generate a number of tasks based on the officer's information. Alongside the main tasks are civilian tasks that influence the player's approval with the local population.DownloadDCG Download Archive * Takistan and Chernarus require AllinArma Terrain Pack DCG 3.0.9 Armaholic DownloadFeatures Occupied locations with patrolling and garrisoned enemies Enemy forces scale in strength based on occupied location Enemy patrols and sniper teams throughout map Enemy static emplacements Enemy count scales based on player count Civilian interaction Civilian approval system Civilian traffic Civilian rebels and suicide bombers FOB construction system AI transportation system Dynamic weather Unit caching Headless Client support ACRE2 support TFAR support Unit and vehicle addon support Easily portable to any map with locations (towns, cities, capitals) Field manual (accessible through interaction menu) Addon IntegrationACE 3 (requirement) tasks designed with ACE in mind constructed FOB buildings and medical vehicles work with ACE DCG actions within ACE interaction menu ACRE2 and TFAR customizable radio structure based on player role (default structure includes Command, Support and Squad comm nets) automatic channel setup based on radio structure works correctly with radio ID systems Task List Locate Officer Defend Supply Cache Repair Patrol Rescue VIP Defuse Explosives Eliminate Artillery Destroy Ammo Cache Retrieve Device Intel © Rescue Civilian Hostage © Deliver Medical Supplies © Defend Against Rebel Attack © Stabilize and Transport Injured Civilian © Identify Deceased Politician MediaChangelog v3.0.9 added weather - based on map data and selected season added roadside IEDs added fn_findOverwatchPos - finds nearby position with a defined elevation difference and line of sight to original position added sen_unitpools.sqf - easy unit pool editing, place file in \userconfig\dcg\sen_unitpools.sqf added support for BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups added doctors to MOB Dodge Medical Center changed Ammo Station placement - moved to Depot changed Defuse Explosive task - disarm action moved from player to detonator changed safezone functionality - removed fired eventhandler checks, now while in safezone, current weapon is put on safety and player is immune to damage changed transport system functionality - due to a system breaking bug in the previous implementation, the first player to board the copilot seat will have control over the transport HLZ changed task system - now runs until all tasks are called changed vehicle hud - fits default ACE font updated fn_setPatrolUnit - unit will return to patrol after disengaging from combat updated fn_setPatrolVeh - driver will return to patrol after disengaging from combat updated Ammo Station - includes ACE repair parts updated code to use CBA's per frame handler updated FOB system - placing helipad calls in friendly reinforcements (single use) updated code for 1.50 updated RHS, LOP support updated fn_spawnGroup - spawn vehicles with cargo units if possible updated teleport actions between MOB and FOB updated functions with ACE progress bar updated fn_getNearPlayers - improved code performance updated fn_spawnSniper - improved code performance updated mission parameters updated ACE basic medical level support - all players can use medical equipment updated ACE settings updated fn_cleanupMOB - now cleans up dropped items updated Stabilize Civilian task - improved scripted damage for basic and advanced medical system updated ACRE integration updated Field Manual fixed bug in Defend Against Rebel Attack task - task does not check if players are on server fixed bug in fn_spawnTower - unit is reluctant to fire weapon fixed bug in fn_setPatrolVeh - air unit patrol radius is capped at 1000m fixed bug in fn_findRandomPos - returned position is almost always at minimum range fixed bug in Arsenal Box init - Clean MOB Dodge action can delete Arsenal Box fixed bug in Stabilize Civilian task - civilian automatically wakes up while using basic medical system fixed bug in VVS - clear vehicle cargo does not function correctly fixed bug in VVS - medical vehicles are not set as ACE medical vehicles fixed bug in SEN_occupy.sqf - enemy units are occasionally damaged on spawn fixed bug in fn_findRuralHousePos - returned position can be in safezone removed ACRE/TFAR radios from Arsenal removed vanilla addactions - replaced with ACE interaction menu removed fn_setAction removed fn_removeAction removed fn_settingsPost removed fn_getIntel - redundant, use ACE action on object instead v3.0.8 added mission parameters added fn_setUnitHostage changed approval values changed fn_setStrength - tweaked enemy strength values changed fn_fobSetup - tweaked approval bonus updated task system updated Debriefing task updated Field Manual updated fn_spawnCivSuicide - suicide bombers have audio cue based on distance to target player fixed bug in VVS - vehicles potentially do not spawn or explode on use fixed bug in fn_setPatrolVeh - vehicle fuel is not reset fixed bug in fn_spawnGroup - air units are spawned when argument calls for land units fixed bug in FOB system - FOB constructor is not reassigned to curator on respawn removed FHQ_TT v3.0.7 added extended event handler support - all objects of class Civilian are part of approval system added mission parameters - including ACE3 parameters added fn_setParams - calls code defined in SEN_params.hpp added SEN_occupyTrgAct.sqf - handles occupied location surrender added fn_setUnitSurrender - handles occupied location surrender changed FOB system - uses curator module to construct FOB changed FOB system - aerial recon marks enemies (see Field Manual) changed FOB system - influences civilian approval (see Field Manual) changed occupied location system - opposition surrenders once most enemies are killed, officer is marked once location is liberated (see Field Manual) changed fn_transfer - renamed to fn_setOwner for naming convention consistency updated © Stabilize and Transport Injured Civilian task - support for ACE3 basic medical system updated Headless Client support updated fn_transportHandler - players can select transport type (classname defined in fn_settingsPre) updated fn_transportHandler - checks for helipad in FOB Pirelli updated fn_transportHandler - transport will search for spawn position away from occupied location updated fn_findRandomPos - ability to find position in certain direction updated fn_setTaskCiv - rebel task spawns are independent of civilian task spawns updated fn_spawnCiv - suicide bombers can use vehicles updated Field Manual fixed bug in SEN_cleanup.sqf - deleted markers are not properly removed from marker array fixed bug in SEN_cleanup.sqf - buildings can be deleted with a player inside fixed bug in © Defend Against Rebel Attack task - rebels do not engage players before reaching target position fixed bug in © Deliver Medical Supplies task - supplies potentially spawn inside another object fixed bug in SEN_ACE3Actions.sqf - player can consecutively trigger action before the last action completes fixed bug in SEN_ACE3Actions.sqf - potential CTD when opening field manual fixed bug in fn_onCivQuestioned - questioning civilians does not return enemies in vehicles fixed bug in fn_getPlayers - headless client is returned in array fixed bug in VVS - potential vehicle explosion on spawn fixed bug in fn_fobRequestHandler - non-local objects lag when curator user edits them fixed bug in fn_spawnCiv - ACE3 interaction menu doesn't work on civilians (agents) fixed bug in fn_spawnReinforcements - vehicle does not complete landing sequence on occasion fixed bug in fn_setAcreRadio - radio channels are not properly set when using the "Take Radio" action fixed bug in Headless Client support - groups are not properly cached when spawned on HC fixed bug in Chernarus and Takistan ports - some essential base objects are not invulnerable removed Plank v3.0.6added fn_settingsPre - runs preInit, previously fn_settingsadded fn_settingsPost - runs postInit, replaced main.sqfadded field manual to ACE interaction menuchanged Arsenal - removed gear scripts, should fix loadouts and lagchanged SEN_ace_settings.hpp - lowered ai damage threshold, disabled ai unconscious state, increased advanced ballistics and wind deflection simulation intervalschanged SEN_occupy.sqf - replaced SEN_patrol.sqfchanged SEN_occupy.sqf - increased range that units patrolchanged SEN_animal.sqf - increased animal count and spawn radiusupdated functions with 1.48 commandsupdated fn_setTfrRadio and fn_setAcreRadio - shows role description in hintupdated fn_setStrength - better support for low player countsupdated fn_spawnSquad - simplified code and reflects changes in fn_setStrengthupdated tasks - better support for small mapsupdated fn_getApprovalNumber - new method of calculating suicide and rebel attacksupdated Rescue VIP task - support for Chernarus buildingsupdated Rescue Civilian task - support for Chernarus buildingsfixed bug in fn_setPatrolVeh - units not properly exiting patrol loopfixed bug in fn_setPatrolUnit - units not properly exiting patrol loopfixed bug in SEN_medFOB.sqf - medical supplies are not properly placed in medical buildingfixed bug in SEN_occupy.sqf - building destruction is injuring garrisoned units, moved to fn_settingsPostfixed bug in Destroy Ammo Cache task - a reasonable amount of explosives does not destroy cachefixed bug in Defuse Explosives task - laptop position is undefined in some casesfixed bug in Defuse Explosives task - defusal variables are undefined on clientfixed bug in civilian interaction - approval rating is not updated clientsideremoved depreciated functions from SEN_cfgFunctions.hppremoved main.sqfremoved SEN_patrol.sqfv3.0.5added ACE3 supportadded RHS support - dynamic usage of RHS units if addon on server/HCadded SEN_animal.sqf - terrain based wildlifeadded Arsenaladded Take Radio action to Arsenal boxadded Destroy Ammo Cache taskadded Retrieve Device Intel taskadded Identify Deceased Politician taskadded Dodge Medical Center to MOB Dodgeupdated ACRE2 supportupdated transport functionality with voice cuesupdated fn_spawnCiv - patrol optimization and use of createAgent instead of createUnitupdated enemy bases with more detailed versions - fn_spawnBase.sqf, fn_spawnSmallBase.sqfupdated FOB system to support ACE3 rallypointsupdated field manualupdated civilian questioning functionsfixed bug in VVS - VVS doesn't allow RHS contentfixed bug in VVS - error showing when opening VVS at Ammo Stationfixed bug in fn_findRuralFlatPos.sqf - unsuitable positions returnedremoved CSE supportremoved weather scripts - replaced by ACE3 weather systemremoved VASv3.0.4updated SEN_civ.sqf - civilian traffic is now cachedupdated map compatibility - enemy patrol count, civilian trigger distances now consider map sizeupdated fn_spawnGroup - mostly optimization, minimized lag on unit/vehicle spawnupdated fn_setPatrolUnit - mostly optimization, units select less positions and properly wait at each positionfixed bug in SEN_civ.sqf - spawn distance does not scale with map sizeremoved vanilla gps restrictionremoved fn_findTown - redundantv3.0.3added check for vanilla medical gear - removed on pickupchanged transport system functionality - players must select a starting HLZ when requesting transport. See field manual for more explanationupdated transport system - fn_transportHandler.sqf now removes unit from cargo before returning to base if they are not part of original crewupdated ACRE2 integrationupdated messages and hints to use CSE message systemupdated fn_log.sqfupdated VAS to handle CSE item errors - CSE items are read from cfgMagazines and added using addMagazine instead of addItem causing issues in CMS and field ration system (patched until CSE removes items from cfgMagazines)removed fn_hint.sqf - redundantremoved field ration module - removed until ration values are increasedfixed bug in fn_spawnCivSuicide.sqf - suicide bomber does not properly chase target playerfixed bug in VVS - medical vehicles are not properly defined as CSE medical vehiclesfixed bug in Stabilize Injured Civilian Task - injured civilian not placed in unconscious statev3.0.2added TFAR supportadded Approval system - rating system that further ties together enemy activity, civilian interaction and the FOB systemadded fn_getApproval.sqfadded fn_getApprovalNumber.sqfadded fn_checkApproval.sqfadded Check Civilian Approval action to DCG Menuadded Stabilize and Transport Injured Civilian taskadded fail state to Defend Supply Cache taskadded fn_spawnReinforcements.sqfadded friendly reinforcements to FOB Pirelliadded default mapsize value if mapSize config value is undefinedadded destroyed buildings to occupied locationsadded wrecked and burning vehicles to occupied locationsadded random time of day parameteradded occupied location visual effects parameteradded AI units to CMSchanged FOB system structure countsupdated compatibility for unit/vehicle addons - see main.sqfupdated Defend Against Rebel Attack task - rebels can destroy FOB Pirelliupdated Realism Mode to disable 3rd person viewupdated fn_spawnBase - previously fn_spawnFortupdated fn_spawnStatic - includes fortified mortars, static GMGs and bunkered HMGs, previously fn_spawnRoofStaticupdated VAS to check for addon radio only if the player has addon enabledupdated VVS to support addon content - see scripts\VVS\configuration.sqfupdated VVS to set medical vehicles as CSE medical vehiclesupdated FOB system - vehicle station is not automatically constructedupdated FOB system - structures follow terrain surface normals automaticallyupdated FOB system - added placement soundsupdated Headless Client supportremoved pitch and bank settings from FOB systemremoved fn_checkForFOB - redundantremoved SEN_cleanup.sqf - replaced by BI corpseManagerfixed bug in SEN_occupyTrg.sqf - liberating an occupied location does not increase approvalfixed bug in FOB system - FOB constructor able to create multiple FOBsfixed bug in initPlayerLocal.sqf - player rating loop does not runfixed bug in editor intel settings - Independent side enemies do not attack playersv3.0.1updated Headless Client support - WIPchanged CMS damage thresholds - increased for players and AIremoved Headless Client mission parameter - redundantfixed bug in Defuse Explosives task - SEN_codeInput undefined on clientfixed bug in Defuse Explosives task - task objects are not cleaned upfixed bug in fn_getIntel - use of getpos instead of getposATL causing issuesfixed bug in Defend Supply Cache task - enemies do not spawn in wavesfixed bug in fn_spawnSniper - sniper team spawns on flat ground, instead of on a hillv3.0.0public release Credits ACE3 by ACE3 Dev Team VVS by Tonic ZBE Caching by Zorrobyte Vehicle HUD script by Tier1ops Defuse the bomb by cobra4v320 X-Cam by Siloa License 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1212PDMCDMPPM 200 Posted December 20, 2014 (edited) Lots of potential in this mission !! Thx for sharing ! One quick question: intel is supposed to triggered by accessing the inventory of the officer ? I found one, shot him and search him but nothing happened. EDIT: found it in the CSE - DCG menu. Edited December 20, 2014 by 1212PDMCDMPPM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted December 20, 2014 Yep, the gather intel action is in the DCG menu. I'm still expanding the field manual with information about the mission. You can access the field manual through the DCG menu in the CSE radial menu or by esc > field manual Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1212PDMCDMPPM 200 Posted December 21, 2014 Could you make a version without the CSE medical system ? It's too unforgiving for small team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Logo 10 Posted December 21, 2014 The mission isn´t working with headless client connected and activated. there are no tasks, enemyspawn or loacations on map starting. Without or disabled headless client all looks fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enngerek 10 Posted December 21, 2014 (edited) there is an on/off selection in at startup parameters for headlessclient where to find the medical supply boxes to copöşete transport missions. couldnt figured out. Edited December 21, 2014 by enngerek Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NumiTv 10 Posted December 21, 2014 Hey how do you get food and medical items to spawn around the map Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1212PDMCDMPPM 200 Posted December 22, 2014 You have some kind of ammo pannel where you can spawn CSE medical equipment or supplies. Just tested with a friend tonight: impossible to rescue hostage or VIP. We can talk to them (say Hi, talk about their occupation, life...etc) but it's not possible make them join our team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NumiTv 10 Posted December 22, 2014 oh ok i was running around the map looking in house's looking for supplys Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1212PDMCDMPPM 200 Posted December 22, 2014 The medical supply for the transportationg task seems to be some king of blue box. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted December 22, 2014 Could you make a version without the CSE medical system ? It's too unforgiving for small team. For now the medical system is going to stay in, but your welcome to open up the mission and delete the module. The mission isn´t working with headless client connected and activated. there are no tasks, enemyspawn or loacations on map starting.Without or disabled headless client all looks fine. Make sure you had the headless client mission parameter turned on, but I'll test it out. I haven't tried the HC since BI updated the headless client system. You have some kind of ammo pannel where you can spawn CSE medical equipment or supplies.Just tested with a friend tonight: impossible to rescue hostage or VIP. We can talk to them (say Hi, talk about their occupation, life...etc) but it's not possible make them join our team. The hostage and VIP don't join your team, they need to be arrested through CSE in order to be moved. It's in the CSE radial menu, you'll also need the keycuff item. A few things to mention (some of this info is in the field manual)... Any task object that must be transported by players must pass through the Processing Station. So, medical supplies for the deliver task (blue crates) spawn at the Processing Station and the VIP should be returned to the Processing Station. Also, there's a "Take Additional Gear" option at the Armory that gives you a few things. "Take Additional Gear" items: ACRE2 Radio (based on comm net) + "cse_m_tablet","cse_ab_ATragMX","cse_ab_Kestrel4500","cse_earplugs_electronic","cse_earplugs","cse_itemHelmetCamera_W","cse_Keycuffs" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enngerek 10 Posted December 22, 2014 how does the civilian life works ? only on the occupied towns have civ. life or its all around map ? last night on my own i toured the map, saw only one civ car near the base thats all.aftter 10 min in a town one civ. fall down from the balcony and dead in front of me.i couldnt be sure its a bug or mission.Do i take him to the hospital or smthng like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted December 22, 2014 I'm not sure how you were touring the map, but you need to be within a certain distance to spawn the civilians. Also aircraft will not trigger the civilian spawns (this is to prevent a fast moving aircraft from triggering multiple towns in a short period of time). Civilians spawn in unoccupied locations. Start the mission with the debug mode parameter on and you'll see the markers for the civilian triggers. The civilian traffic spawns at unoccupied locations and travels from town to town. The amount of traffic is dependent on the total number of locations on the map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enngerek 10 Posted December 22, 2014 o.k. going to try with debug mode on says ACRE is natively supported.Could you support TFAR too ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakai 1 Posted December 22, 2014 The mission isn´t working with headless client connected and activated. there are no tasks, enemyspawn or loacations on map starting.Without or disabled headless client all looks fine. Tried it myself, took out the headless client and doesn't work either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted December 22, 2014 (edited) Tried it myself, took out the headless client and doesn't work either. I'm testing the headless client support for the next version. Otherwise, the mission should start correctly. I'll need your rpt file with DCG running in debug mode in order to figure out what your situation is. o.k. going to try with debug mode on says ACRE is natively supported.Could you support TFAR too ? yep, TFAR support is coming. Edited December 22, 2014 by SENSEII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1212PDMCDMPPM 200 Posted December 22, 2014 The hostage and VIP don't join your team, they need to be arrested through CSE in order to be moved. It's in the CSE radial menu, you'll also need the keycuff item. I don't see any special radial menu for arresting the guy. Is it in the DCG sub-menu ? in interact ? elsewhere ? ---------- Post added at 23:15 ---------- Previous post was at 21:42 ---------- And how can we defuse the bomb ? We found the laptop, code the code, found the bomb, and ...??? No special command on the radial menu, nothing in the mouse wheel menu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted December 22, 2014 the arresting action shows up under the interact tab. You need to have keycuffs in your inventory and be near an AI unit. for the explosives task, after gathering intel at the laptop to get the code, walk up to the detonator and use the action in the interact tab Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1212PDMCDMPPM 200 Posted December 22, 2014 Hum, We had the keycuffs in our inventory and didn't get the "arrest" choice, just sepak and search. We're using a non dedi. That could be an explanation. For the explosive task, we missed the detonator :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted December 23, 2014 I'm going to be out of town for about a week, so here is a new version with some bug fixes. The headless client support is still WIP. DCG 3.0.1 - Altis DCG 3.0.1 - Chernarus (requires All in Arma Terrain Pack) DCG 3.0.1 - Takistan (requires All in Arma Terrain Pack) v3.0.1 updated Headless Client support - WIP changed CMS damage thresholds - increased for players and AI removed Headless Client mission parameter - redundant fixed bug in Defuse Explosives task - SEN_codeInput undefined on client fixed bug in Defuse Explosives task - task objects are not cleaned up fixed bug in fn_getIntel - use of getpos instead of getposATL causing issues fixed bug in Defend Supply Cache task - enemies do not spawn in waves fixed bug in fn_spawnSniper - sniper team spawns on flat ground, instead of on a hill Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakai 1 Posted December 23, 2014 Weirdly enough everything else work now. Transport works all fine and other essentials but no tasks nor enemies spawning. Untouched, vanilla mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted December 23, 2014 Weirdly enough everything else work now. Transport works all fine and other essentials but no tasks nor enemies spawning. Untouched, vanilla mission. Like I said, I can't help you out without the rpt file. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakai 1 Posted December 23, 2014 Here you go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted December 23, 2014 thanks, I'll check it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RogueDiplodocus 10 Posted December 27, 2014 @ Sakai. What mods are you using? I've played this mission with the group i'm in several times and its been working fine for us (we have 10-15 members on an average event?). Towns spawning in, all of them populated etc etc. And this mission is bloody amazing. SENSEI, I doff my hat to you Sir. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites