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Disabling crew GPS?

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In some vehicles, such as the newly added Huron or the Ghosthawk, the crew has access to a GPS and map when in specific slots, even if they don't have either in their inventory. This includes the "fire from vehicle" turrets, no matter if they are disabled or not. Is there a way to disable this feature?

Edited by Wolfenswan

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You could look into altering this, but disabling the display for the GPS instead of the map. You may not even have to alter it :p.

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Turns out a delayed

showGPS false;
showMap false;

works well enough for my purpose.

Edited by Wolfenswan

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On 2014-11-4 at 3:37 PM, Wolfenswan said:

Turns out a delayed


showGPS false;
showMap false;


works well enough for my purpose.

were i put?


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