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Check for uniforms

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Hey there,

I am currently working on a script for which I have to check the backpackcargo for uniforms. Everything works fine but I have one problem. I'd like to make the script compatible with all uniforms from any addon, vanilla, whatever, but I do not want to write a whitelist of all the classnames (which is hot it currently works). Hence my question is if there is a way to check if something is a uniform or not (or define a list of items that definitely are unforms for that matter). VAS and the virtual arsenal do it somehow, since you can filter them, but I can't figure out how they do it.

Any help is appreciated

Thanks in advance.

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Your going to have to follow the config directory to the class of "uniforms", I believe, and I don't have enough experience to give you a proper code line, but hopefully someone can follow up with one :p.

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VAS and the virtual arsenal do it somehow, since you can filter them, but I can't figure out how they do it.

Probably pull the items from the main config file. That would automatically load (most) addons you're running.

To check if a unit has a backpack in his uniform

_bpCargo = getBackPackCargo uniformContainer player select 0;
if ( count _bpCargo > 0 ) then {
	player sideChat format ["%1 has atleast one back pack in his uniform.", name _x];
} forEach allUnits;

To pull an array of backpacks from the cfg

private ["_cfgArray","_backPacks"];

_backpacks = [];
_cfgArray = "( 
(getNumber (_x >> 'scope') >= 2) && 
{getText (_x >> 'vehicleClass') in ['Backpacks'] &&
{_backpacks pushBack ( configName _x );
)" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");

hint str _backPacks;

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thanks, but I'm a bit confused. are you checking the uniform for backpacks or the backpack for uniforms? I basically just want to give out an array of all the uniforms a player has in his backpack.

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Something like this.

_uniforms = [];
_item = [_x] call BIS_fnc_itemType;
if ( _item select 1 == "Uniform" ) then {
	_uniforms pushBack _x;
	//_uniforms pushBack ( typeOf _x );
} forEach (backPackItems player);

Hope that helps. Report back and we go further if needed.

Edited by Iceman77

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_uniforms = [];
_uniformsType = [];
   _itemType = [_x] call BIS_fnc_itemType;
   if ( _itemType select 1 == "Uniform" ) then {
       _uniforms pushBack _x;
       _uniformsType pushBack ( typeOf _x );
} forEach (backPackItems player);

hint format["%1\n%2\n%3", _itemType, _uniforms, _uniformsType];

only gives me empty arrays

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It works fine.

player addbackPackGlobal "B_TacticalPack_blk";
player addItemToBackPack "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";

_uniforms = [];
   _item = [_x] call BIS_fnc_itemType;
player sideChat format ["%1", _item]; // Outputs ["Equipment","Uniform"]
   if ( _item select 1 == "Uniform" ) then {
       _uniforms pushBack _x;
       //_uniforms pushBack ( typeOf _x );
} forEach (backPackItems player);  

player sideChat format ["%1", _uniforms]; // Outputs ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"]

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thanks, it's working fine now. You've earned yourself a slot in the credits :)

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No need to put me in the credits. Put the editing forum in the credits.

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