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Can I include Arma 2 content? If so how do I include it in my entry?

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As per the title, I have a C130J_CARGO plane and MV22 Osprey in my MP mission entry.

Am i allowed these from Arma 2?

If so how do I add include it in the file? Is it considered a mod?

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Hello, you are free to use the BI's models in your MP mission entry provided their release would be compliant with the Arma Public License under which the models were released. From the technical POV, the models should be integral part of the entry (in your case, inside the MP mission's PBO). Hope this helps! :)

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Did you convert them into Arma 3 yourself?

I found them in the Cfg Vehicles and included them in my createVehicle scripts.

How do I include them in the PBO file, so players don't get a message saying these units are missing upon gameplay?

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If you're talking about these ones then you already know they're mods you've downloaded:


I thought you might have then gone on to do your own conversions.

Thanks Das,

But I'm abit worried and confused. When I submit my entry for the MANW how do include this Arma 2 content in thd PBO? One of the BI comfirmed they could open my entry but a message indicated the Osprey MV22 and C130J_CARGO plane were missing.

I don't know how to include these in my game. Do I have to provide some sort of instructions to download them fro somewhere?

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1. You are allowed to use A2 content provided in MLOD format here (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169634-Content-Licensing-Questions-and-Answers) if and ONLY if it has been ported by yourself (as in your own the IP rights for the porting work)

2. In that case, you need to pack the data files (p3d including the modified model.cfg for A3, as well as config, textures, material files) in your mission .pbo

You are NOT allowed to use addons created by other people (ported content or new) in your MANW submission, packing their data with your mission is NOT allowed (which seems to be the case here).

Edited by PuFu

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1. You are allowed to use A2 content provided in MLOD format here (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169634-Content-Licensing-Questions-and-Answers) if and ONLY if it has been ported by yourself (as in your own the IP rights for the porting work)

2. In that case, you need to pack the data files (p3d including the modified model.cfg for A3, as well as config, textures, material files) in your mission .pbo

You are NOT allowed to use addons created by other people (ported content or new) in your MANW submission, packing their data with your mission is NOT allowed (which seems to be the case here).

OK, thanks PuFu

So if I understand you, I'll have to purchase ARMA II, then package it's content, specifically the Osprey and CJ130 Cargo Planemyself into the PBO file, correct?

If this is the case, are then any instructions or links you can point me to, that show how to do this?

Also, how will I be able to test if it works instead of my game is using the content I've already downloaded from a another mod/game (like BATTLE ROYAL)?


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So if I understand you, I'll have to purchase ARMA II, then package it's content, specifically the Osprey and CJ130 Cargo Planemyself into the PBO file, correct?
No, you would instead be assembling the source data yourself, which may be found here. Generally speaking you'd be using the contents from the Arma 2 Sample Models links (config, model, model config, materials, scripts, etc.) combined with textures/map icons/sounds from some of the PBOs in the Arma Licensed Data Pack links.

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OK, thanks PuFu

So if I understand you, I'll have to purchase ARMA II, then package it's content, specifically the Osprey and CJ130 Cargo Planemyself into the PBO file, correct?

NO, you are as far from correct as one can be:

1. You don't need Arma2.

2. You have ArmA2 content released by BI prior to this content (1 year ago) in non-binarized format for allowing you or anyone else to port it to A3 if you please to. Read the link i have provided.

If this is the case, are then any instructions or links you can point me to, that show how to do this?

It is obviously you have not a single clue what needs to be done, so i'll say the obvious: maybe it is easier for you (given the MANW submission date is closing fast) to just scrap any content that is not in the vanilla A3 rather than start learning how to port content over from A2 to A3 (i simply think you don't have the time left for that, especially since you don't know what needs to be done)

Also, how will I be able to test if it works instead of my game is using the content I've already downloaded from a another mod/game (like BATTLE ROYAL)?

As previously said, you are NOT allowed to use content from another mod in your MANW submission.

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It is obviously you have not a single clue what needs to be done, so i'll say the obvious: maybe it is easier for you (given the MANW submission date is closing fast) to just scrap any content that is not in the vanilla A3 rather than start learning how to port content over from A2 to A3 (i simply think you don't have the time left for that, especially since you don't know what needs to be done)

I appreciate your candor...I assumed it would be quite involved once I looked into the links and the number of posts that followed. I was planning to scrap these units from my game as I don't have time to do learn, port and troubleshoot this over the weekend.


OK, so please let me know if I'm onthe right track here. I doubt I'll have time to do it for my MANW entry but I still want to give it a shot.

I'm downloading the Arma 2 Sample Models files and dePBO them, 2) then assemble all the material that pertains the the C130J, 3) use the Launch Addon Builder Tool to pack all the files then 4) include the PBO file in my MPmission with instructions to copy and paste it to the addons folder.

A) Is this the correct appoach?

B) How do I know which folders I need to include? I assume I can follow similar file names from other mod files?

C) Do I select binerize or not in the Addon Builder Tool?

Edited by BEAKSBY

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