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Radio conversation in intro / outro section (how to?)

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Somehow I have the feeling that the mission's intro / outro sections are... a bit "special".

It might be a silly question, but: How can I implement a radio chat in the intro of a mission?

Something like

a sideChat "asdf";


a sideRadio "asdf";

or even

a kbAddTopic ["conv", "Sentences.bikb", "", ""];

a kbTell [player, "conv", "asdf-sound", "SIDE"];

(with all kbTell files set up)

None of these codes works.


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Well sideChat command is as follows:

unitName sideChat "Message";

The unit also has to have an "ItemRadio" assigned, or else nothing will happen, I don't know if intro has anything else special with it, but not having a radio assigned would be my guess.

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Hm, the units definitely have radios on them. They are fresh BLUFOR units in the editor, not edited.

None of the code examples I wrote above works in the intro section. They all work in the mission section though.

Edited by Undeceived

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You may have to result to something like this, but other than this, I have no idea:

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Sorry to revive the old thread, but I am having this same issue as well.



The commands vehicleRadio, sideRadio, globalRadio and groupRadio do not work at all in the Intro, Outro - Win and Outro - Lose scenario modes (same applies with kbTell). I have checked (like above) that they have radios, which they do, of course. The only command that works so far, is directSay. Not sure if others are still getting this issue still (or I might be getting my code wrong). But if anyone knows a solution, please post it here. :)



Best Regards,




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