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group respawn ends mission on dedicated server=new bug?

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Hi guys. I'm testing my group respawn coop mission using a dedicated server, and every time my first playable unit dies and I am to respawn into the next one, it immediately ends the mission.

Did the last patch introduce a bug? Is anyone else having this problem?

Update: It appears to only happen when I choose a non-leader position, so an AI is a leader of my playable team at mission start.

Edited by JohnnyBoy

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Could you include what you have in your description.ext file?

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Update: It appears to only happen when I choose a non-leader position, so an AI is a leader of my playable team.

OnLoadName = "Leper Island";
OnLoadMission = "A VBIED plot is being staged from Leper Island.  We must prevent it.";
author = "Johnnyboy";
overviewText = "Intel says a bomb plot is imminent.  Time is running out.  We must find the explosives.";

respawn = "GROUP";
respawndelay = 0;
briefing = 1;

class CfgDebriefing
       class End1
               title = "Mission Success!";
               subtitle = "Great work!";
               description = "Excellent job men!  The ship was saved, all the VBIED explosives were destroyed, and the island cleared.  This is a major setback for the rebels.  Congratulations.";
               pictureBackground = "end1.jpg";
               picture = "cojon.jpg";
               pictureColor[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};
       class End2
               title = "Mission Complete...";
               subtitle = "...but the ship was sunk.  Nobody's perfect.";
               description = "Good effort, but too bad about the ship.  Destroying this rebel unit is still an important victory however.";
               pictureBackground = "end2.jpg";
               picture = "cojon.jpg";
               pictureColor[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};
       class End3
               title = "Mission Complete";
               subtitle = "Ship was crippled, but not destroyed.";
               description = "Wow, that was close.  They hit the ship once, but you prevented it from being sunk.  Good work!";
               pictureBackground = "end3.jpg";
               picture = "cojon.jpg";
               pictureColor[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};
class Header
gameType = COOP; 
minPlayers = 1;  
maxPlayers = 10; 

There's alot more sound files in this config also.

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That is a weird issue, and looking at your description file, there aren't any issues that I can tell. Only thing I can think of is that you have a script/function somewhere that is checking for the alive units of your group and that in turn has a command based on that to then end the mission. Which end type are you getting (as in does it just stop the mission, or is it one of your cfgDebriefing endings as you have defined above)?

Maybe try putting a one second respawn delay, but I'm just guessing at this point :p.

The only other thing that I can think of is that the wording on the "GROUP" respawn from this page, sounds like "your" group is the group your the leader of, so with an AI as the leader it isn't technically "your" group:

4 or "GROUP" - Respawn in your group (if there's no AI left, you'll become a seagull).
Edited by JShock

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