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Help me pls

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Hi guys. I'm with a problem to finish a mission, I want to make a mission where I'll sneak in one place and want the OPFOR identify me as a friend, there's the difficulty, I want OPFOR identify me as if I'm the enemy with a specific weapon for example, if I'm with a katiba they consider me friend but if I'm with a MXM he consider me enemy. if you can help me thank.

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_unit = (_this select 0);
_eastGrp =  createGroup EAST;
_westGrp = createGroup WEST;

if (isNull _unit) exitWith {};

while (true) do {

if (currentWeapon _unit == "Weapon_arifle_Katiba_F") then {  _unit joinSilent _eastGrp;  };//<<Change classname to type of weapon you want to be identified for OPFOR side

if (currentWeapon _unit == "Weapon_arifle_MXM_F") then {  _unit joinSilent _westGrp;  };//<<Change classname to type of weapon you want to be identified for BLUFOR side

sleep 3;


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dude sorry but I forgot another thing I want him to identify me as a friend if I'm with a specific outfit also

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dude sorry but I forgot another thing I want him to identify me as a friend if I'm with a specific outfit also

Well do you want it identified as "friend" when you have both the uniform and the weapon, or just one or the other? I would recommend that you have to have both because if it's either the unit will switch sides constantly if he has a "friendly" uniform on, but has an "enemy" weapon.

Below is with the recommended changes:

//Forgot the call line for this script goes in the unit's init field as: null = [this] execVM "scriptName.sqf";

_unit = (_this select 0); 
_eastGrp =  createGroup EAST; 
_westGrp = createGroup WEST; 

if (isNull _unit) exitWith {}; 

while (true) do { 

if ((currentWeapon _unit == "Weapon_arifle_Katiba_F") && (currentUniform _unit == "Classname")) then {  _unit joinSilent _eastGrp;  };//<<Change classname to type of weapon you want to be identified for OPFOR side 

if ((currentWeapon _unit == "Weapon_arifle_MXM_F") && (currentUniform _unit == "Classname")) then {  _unit joinSilent _westGrp;  };//<<Change classname to type of weapon you want to be identified for BLUFOR side 

sleep 3; 


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dude sorry but I forgot another thing I want him to identify me as a friend if I'm with a specific outfit also

Jshock's code edited. Cheers.

private ["_unit", "_eastGrp","_westGrp"];

_unit = player;
_eastGrp =  createGroup EAST;
_westGrp = createGroup WEST;

if (isNull _unit) exitWith {};

while { true } do {
sleep 3;
   if ( ( currentWeapon _unit ) in ["Weapon_arifle_Katiba_F", "some_launcher", "some_pistol"] && { ( uniform _unit ) in ["uniform_className1","uniform_className2"] } ) then {  
	if ( !( _unit in ( units _eastGrp ) ) ) then {
		_unit joinSilent _eastGrp; 
   } else {
       _unit joinSilent _westGrp; 

Oops, ninja'd by Jshock :)

---------- Post added at 16:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:26 ----------

Edit: Replaced the ( ) brackets for the while condition to { } brackets. Cheers.

Edited by Iceman77
Wrong brackets in the while condition supposed to be {} ! ()

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Edit: Replaced the ( ) brackets in the while condition to { } brackets. Cheers.

OMG....thanks again Iceman, sorry we are using Java in my CS class....ugh........and while loop syntax is with ( ) not { }

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Ha, I did that the otherday. While (_) do { //hehe }. Someone or another caught it thankfully. Except I don't have a legit excuse LOL. Brain farts :p

---------- Post added at 16:53 ---------- Previous post was at 16:40 ----------

Fixed one more syntax error with joinSilent and also added a check before joining the group. Cheers.

private ["_unit", "_eastGrp","_westGrp"];

_unit = _this select 0;
_eastGrp =  createGroup EAST;
_westGrp = createGroup WEST;

if (isNull _unit) exitWith {};

while { true } do {
sleep 3;
   if ( ( currentWeapon _unit ) in ["arifle_Katiba_ACO_F", "launch_RPG32_F", "hgun_Rook40_F"] && { ( uniform _unit ) in ["U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo", "someOther_uniform"] } ) then {  
	if ( !( _unit in ( units _eastGrp ) ) ) then {
		[_unit] joinSilent _eastGrp; 
		player sideChat "You've joined the east group.";
   } else {
	if ( !( _unit in ( units _westGrp ) ) ) then {
		[_unit] joinSilent _westGrp; 
		player sideChat "You've joined the west group.";		

Edited by Iceman77

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