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There's Karts But.... BIS Please Finish What You Started FFS.

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OK, I've been creating a new mission and thought I go through the 'empty objects' to see what exactly there is. It's evident that parts are very much incomplete. However, when adding a 'kart' it's not surprisingly is very much complete along with its nag to unlock/purchase the package.

My point is before creating and adding purchasable DLC, BIS please finish the bloody basic package that people shelled out their hard earnt cash for! What exactly was the point in creating an IED to add n the editor if you can drive/walk right over it?

And no, this post doesn't belong in the 'wish list' section, its merely a 'general' rant that's intended to raise critical debate in order to make those who work at BIS think before not finishing what they started. There's nothing worst than trying to work with a half-baked product.

Rant over.

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It would seem that the IEDs were added solely for the Zeus DLC, they were introduced as a placeable object during its development.

But I certainly agree, you should be able to set up an automatic detonation range (so that it would act like a mine), and decide whether or not it can be deactivated by an explosives specialist.

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What exactly was the point in creating an IED to add n the editor if you can drive/walk right over it?

Likely the same reason they did it in A2. It would be nice if they were configurable in-editor, but this is hardly worth yet another rant topic.

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If we're talking about finishing left over things, I'd also like to point at insignias. The only reason Simple Rank Patches (Check sig) needs more than 2 lines of code is because insignias are no where near as persistent as squad XMLs! They have the system already there, the squad XMLs work perfectly since A2, with the insignias BI just has use whatever code they have on the symmetrical shoulder.

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