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Make AI playable based on player count

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Hello everyone, I have a question in relation to Multiplayer playable units.

I would like to make additional units available to play as based on the number of players connecting. Does anyone know if it would be possible, and if so, any ideas how?

My attempts have been a complete failure so far, so anything would help.

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Well that sucks. Is it possible to set the control value during unit creation?

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I would have followed up with trying addSwitchableUnit, until I read and saw that in multiplayer it crashes whatever instance of Arma trying to switch.

And since there isn't a "playable" argument in the createUnit array, I will have to say this is now out of my scope of knowledge, hopefully someone else has a workaround :p.

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This might help. Set as many slots as you need as playable, then put this in your description.ext

disableAI = 1 //Where = 1, removes all playable units which do not have a human player and = 0, a logging out player will have AI take control of his character.  Default value is 0. (MP)

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Its a good thought, but here was my goal in better detail.

Lets say this is a 128 slot server and we just started it. As players come in, they will always want to take things like pilot, AT or sniper first. My goal is to force them to fill the partial squad before a new squad is made available.

Seeing as how setplayable does not work, do we know any other way to funnel players into certain slots based on player count?

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essentially you have to give loadouts after they joined the mission, so they just select a generic class in the lobby and you provide them with some kind of extra interface depending on current player count.

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I know Roy86 of Patrol Ops fame has said there is a chance he will release his 'squad mod' as a standalone when MANW is over, this may do what you are after and similar to what nomisum has said above.

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Yup, some sort of role-assignment-script is probably the best option as of now (only units with special abilities like engineers and medics pose a bit of a problem there).

I had already considered modifying the patrolOps on our server to feature the exact same concept as mentioned by Wyattwic. Maybe I will at some point.

The game "Americas Army" used the same concept and it worked pretty well.

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