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Hi all,

Is there an official way of loading a simple script addon on game start ? I thought this BIS function would do the trick, but it's not clear at all (to me) how it works :



Author: Karel Moricky


Compile scripts and save them into globally available functions.


0: STRING - script path

1: STRING - variable prefix

2: ARRAY - list of variables to be declared. Elements can be of following types:

variable: STRING - variable is (prefix + variable), loaded from (path + variable + ".sqf")

[variable:STRING,fileName:STRING] - variable is (prefix variable), loaded from (path + fileName + ".sqf")

3: BOOL - true for global persistent execution on all clients




private ["_path","_variables","_globalExec","_variable","_fileName"];

_path = [_this,0,"",[""]] call bis_fnc_param;

_prefix = [_this,1,"",[""]] call bis_fnc_param;

_variables = [_this,2,[],[[]]] call bis_fnc_param;

_globalExec = [_this,3,true,[false]] call bis_fnc_param;

if (_prefix == "BIS_fnc_") then {_prefix = ""; ["Prefix 'BIS_fnc_' is reserved for functions."] call bis_fnc_error;};


_variable = [_x,0,"",[""]] call bis_fnc_paramin;

_fileName = [_x,1,_variable,[""]] call bis_fnc_paramin;

if (_variable != "" && _fileName != "") then {

_file = format ["scriptname '%1'; private '_fnc_scriptName'; _fnc_scriptName = '%1';",_prefix + _variable] + preprocessfilelinenumbers (_path + _fileName + ".sqf");

missionnamespace setvariable [_prefix + _variable,compileFinal _file];


} foreach _variables;

//--- Global execution

if (ismultiplayer && isserver && _globalExec) then {







] call bis_fnc_mp;



How can i use that function to hook my script, if not from another script ? Should I call it from the mod.cpp ? Any other file ? And what's the syntax to be used ?

Thanks in advance for your help :)

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. . . Is there an official way of loading a simple script addon on game start ? . . .

You may want to dabble with the different attributes that cfgFunctions offers, instead of using BIS_fnc_loadFunctions. Such as the preInit and postInit parameters. I've provided a simplified example of how to setup cfgFunctions. It's how I handle functions and it's clean. Hope that helps.


class CfgFunctions 
   #include "functions.hpp"


class ICE
   class stuff
       file = "functions";
	class myFunction           {};
	class myOtherFunction      {};
       class myInitFunction       {postInit = 1}; // To call the function upon mission start, after objects are initialized. Passed arguments are ["postInit"]



call ICE_fnc_myFunction

hint "This is my function.";


call ICE_fnc_myOtherFunction

hint "This is my other function.";


call ICE_fnc_myInitFunction << Only as needed, as we are already using postInit to call this function at mission start.

hint "This is my init function. It will be ran at mission start since I used postInit = 1.";

Kind Regards,


Edited by Iceman77

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Thank you guys for the replies.

I'm currently using CBA's preInit EH to load the scripts on game launch and make them work as addons. It does work pretty well (but, for some reason, not on a "group" type respawn). The only problem i have with CBA dependancy is err.. the dependancy and, since i'm not using any other CBA function, i thought i should find a more standardized method. Hence my question.

Iceman, I'll check out your ideas when i'm back from work and try using CfgFunctions instead of CfgPatches. The exemples you provide are very interesting. Thanks a lot for your time :)

Best regards,

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