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Problems with clutter

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Hehe that was him in the thread ;)

It was directed at Wodzu I just didn't include anyway for people to know that apparently.

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I fixed mine doing this, as Bushlurker suggested:

- Go to OPFEC and register a new TAG for your creations (this its not needed but eventually you need it)

- Rename every single material, surface and clutter with your new tag, like "TAG_greengrass", "TAG_pineclutter", etc. this includes also the Layers.cfg definitions.

- Edit texture names under \data to match your new names, also edit the RVMAT files with the new names.

- Edit the config and set the name of the map class as "A3_Map_Yourmapname" just after "class CfgPatches", like this:

#define _ARMA_

//Class config.bin{
class CfgPatches
class A3_Map_Yourmapname
 units[] = {"Yourmapname"};
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 1.0;
 version = "30/07/2011";
 fileName = "yourmapname.pbo";
 author = "Username";

Re-generate mask layers into Terrain Builder to update the new names of materials.

And pray to Zeus

Edited by MiauX

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Unfortunately, after almost ten attempts with different configurations of clutter does not work. I did exactly as he wrote Bushlurker and still something is wrong. I miss the ideas already. In fact, even now clutter PINE does not work

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Unfortunately, after almost ten attempts with different configurations of clutter does not work. I did exactly as he wrote Bushlurker and still something is wrong. I miss the ideas already. In fact, even now clutter PINE does not work

Post all you configs again with the updated Versions

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You need to add tags to all the clutter classes in cfgclutter then do the same tag naming scheme In the cfgsurfacecharacter config.


class [color="#FF0000"]yourtag_[/color]StrGrassDryGroup: DefaultClutter
			model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassDry_group.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.65;
			swLighting = "true";
			scaleMin = 0.65;
			scaleMax = 1.0;

class isla_drygrass_Character
		probability[] = {0.99};
		names[] = {"[color="#FF0000"]yourtag_[/color]StrGrassDryGroup"};

Edited by M1lkm8n

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There's a couple of small errors in your config (see the "// comments"), and one important bit - your clutter definitions #include, was in the wrong place... I suspect that might be the fundamental cause of your clutter issues...

#define _ARMA_

//Class config.bin{
class CfgPatches
       class A3_Map_Isla
               units[] = {Isla};
               weapons[] = {};
               requiredVersion = 0.1;
               requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Map_Stratis"};
                               fileName = "isla.pbo";
               author[] = {"Wodzu"};


class CfgWorlds
       class DefaultWorld
               class Weather;
       class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
               class Grid;
               class DayLightingBrightAlmost;
               class DayLightingRainy;
               class DefaultClutter;
               class Weather: Weather
                       class Overcast;
       class Stratis: CAWorld

               class Weather: Weather
                       class Lighting;
                       class Overcast: Overcast
                               class Weather1;
                               class Weather2;
                               class Weather3;
                               class Weather4;
                               class Weather5;
                               class Weather6;
       class DefaultLighting;

   class Isla: CAWorld {
               cutscenes[] = {};
               description = "Isla Prison";
               icon = "Isla\data\logo.paa";
               worldName = "Isla\Isla.wrp";        // no leading "\" on this path
               pictureMap = "Isla\data\sat.paa";   // or this one
               pictureShot = "";
               plateFormat = "AS$-####";
               plateLetters = "ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ";
               author = "Wodzu";
               mapSize = 10240;
               mapZone = 31;
               longitude = 20;
               latitude = 0;
               elevationOffset = 0;
               envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.tga";
               newRoadsShape = "\Isla\data\roads\roads.shp";
               startTime = "10:45";
               startDate = "5/5/2014";
               centerPosition[] = {6000,6000,1000};
               seagullPos[] = {6000,6000,1000};
               clutterGrid = 1.5;
               clutterDist = 125;
               noDetailDist = 65;
               fullDetailDist = 15;
               midDetailTexture = "A3\Map_Data\middle_mco.paa";
               minTreesInForestSquare = 4;
               minRocksInRockSquare = 4;
               loadingTexts[] = {"The war is hell"};
               ilsPosition[] = {0, 0};
               ilsDirection[] = {0, 0, 0};
               ilsTaxiIn[] = {};
               ilsTaxiOff[] = {};
               drawTaxiway = 0;

               class SecondaryAirports {};

               class ReplaceObjects {};

               class Sounds {
                       sounds[] = {};

               class Animation {
                       vehicles[] = {};

               class Grid: Grid {
                       offsetX = 0;
                       offsetY = 10240;
                       class Zoom1     {
                               zoomMax = 0.2;
                               format = "XY";
                               formatX = "000";
                               formatY = "000";
                               stepX = 100;
                               stepY = -100;
                       class Zoom2 {
                               zoomMax = 0.95;
                               format = "XY";
                               formatX = "00";
                               formatY = "00";
                               stepX = 1000;
                               stepY = -1000;
                       class Zoom3 {
                               zoomMax = 1e+030;
                               format = "XY";
                               formatX = "0";
                               formatY = "0";
                               stepX = 10000;
                               stepY = -10000;
#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
class Names
                       #include "isla.hpp"


#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
class Names     
    #include "isla.hpp"   // this section should be within the "class Isla: CAWorld def - notice I've moved it above



class CfgWorldList
class Isla{};
class CfgMissions
class Cutscenes


#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

Try making the changes above - or copypaste the config above and give things another try.


Edited by Bushlurker

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Well, I edited the cfgclutter, and the config of your proposal Bushlurker, unfortunately, no clutter does not work. The grass is not all over the map. In addition, I generated a new layers in the Terrain Builder

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