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avibird 1

can't find suicide cars civilians and armed civilian scripts for arma3 ):

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I know there were many for arma2 but I can't find any for arma3. Does anyone know of any and where to download them. Thanks avibird

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You can use the Redressing Script, to use the CSAT, but make them look civilian, that way you won't have to worry about changing the rating values of the civilian side to make them enemies to BLUFOR.

As far as suicide cars/civilians, I'm not sure of any other script out there except MCC (which is a mod), I have personally just used the vanilla editor with a trigger and a waypoint and "boom" there goes the car/civ, but I'm not sure if that is what you are looking for in-particular or if you are looking specifically for a script that spawns these in based on a number of different conditions.

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do a trigger I guess, and use refreshing waypoints.

I havent tried this so cant confirm.

Get it to do a updating/refreshing waypoint

If needs a trigger set condition to true (or as normal, whichever way you like)

//get the group from the name of one of the units (trackerleader)

//replace trackerleader with this if putting code in a units init box

trackerGroup = group trackerLeader;

//get current waypoint index

trackerCurrentWP = currentWaypoint trackerGroup;

//if current == total number of waypoints

//then all waypoints have been completed

if (trackerCurrentWP == count waypoints trackerGroup) then {

//add a new waypoint

trackerGroup addWaypoint [(getPosATL player), 2, trackerCurrentWP];

//add other commands here to set waypoint cobat mode etc


//create a new thread, pass in current waypoint

handle = [trackerGroup, trackerCurrentWP] spawn {

while {alive player} do {

//update waypoint position to players position every 10 seconds

_this setWaypointPosition [(getPosATL player),2];

sleep 10;




Not my code. that gives a refreshing waypoint for them to follow/ head to you.

Then you can do a trigger with condition:

Enemyunit < 5 player

then on act:

createVehicle (whatever bomb is) or setDamage 1 to vehicle.

Maybe good?

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@Jshock your script my do the job! Question does your script only work on units that are placed down by the editor? Not spawned in by a script. In this mission I am working on I am using EOS and COS to spawn opfor and civilians In multiple towns. I wanted a few armed Civilians in the towns as well as a few suicide car bombs. your script maybe do the. I have a group of 10 with a dismiss way. I need to test more to see if any issues come up. I can't believe nobody has made a suicide car bombing script yet for Arma3. I wanted only script and no mod in this mission.

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@Jshock your script my do the job! Question does your script only work on units that are placed down by the editor? Not spawned in by a script. In this mission I am working on I am using EOS and COS to spawn opfor and civilians In multiple towns. I wanted a few armed Civilians in the towns as well as a few suicide car bombs. your script maybe do the. I have a group of 10 with a dismiss way. I need to test more to see if any issues come up. I can't believe nobody has made a suicide car bombing script yet for Arma3. I wanted only script and no mod in this mission.

At this point in time, yes it only works on units that are put down in the editor (as far as I'm concerned), I am/will be working on a way to have systems such as EOS/COS/MCC/Zeus work with the script I just haven't had time nor the brain power here lately.

And maybe if I get bored one of these nights I can look into making a suicide car script :p.

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Actually did some digging for a suicide bomb car/person script that may already be out there and found this:

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Car Bomb(s) - quick n' easy variants.

_car addEventhandler ["engine", {_bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB_MI10" createVehicle (getPos (_this select 0));}]; //When ignition is used
_car addEventhandler ["dammaged", {_bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB_MI10" createVehicle (getPos (_this select 0));}]; //When the vehicle is dammaged - ie; by a wall
_car addAction ["Trigger Car Bomb", {_bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB_MI10" createVehicle (getPos _target)}, [], 6, false, true, "", "(driver _target) == _this"]; // addaction for driver

Randomly armed civilians

_probability = [0,1] call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
if (side _x == Civilian && {!(_x isKindOf "ANIMAL") && {_probability == 1}}) then {

	_luck = [1,2,3] call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
	switch (_luck) do {
		case 1:{_hGun = [_x, ["hgun_P07_F","hgun_P07_snds_F","hgun_Rook40_F"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom, round (random 8)] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;};
		case 2:{
			_primWep = [_x, ["srifle_EBR_F","LMG_Mk200_F","arifle_Katiba_F"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom, round (random 10)] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
			_hGun = [_x, ["hgun_P07_F","hgun_P07_snds_F","hgun_Rook40_F"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom, round (random 8)] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
		case 3:{
			_secWep = [_x, ["launch_B_Titan_F","launch_NLAW_F","launch_RPG32_F"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom, round (random 2)] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
			_primWep = [_x, ["srifle_EBR_F","LMG_Mk200_F","arifle_Katiba_F"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom, round (random 10)] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
			_hGun = [_x, ["hgun_P07_F","hgun_P07_snds_F","hgun_Rook40_F"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom, round (random 8)] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
} forEach allUnits;

Edited by Iceman77

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@ iceman77 thank you but can you make a little demo mission of your code.

@ Jshock not exactly what I need thank you for the link

Jshock I am using your Redressing Script (modified a little) with COS and EOS scripts in a few towns that west units needs to take back from ind units including a civilian population. West can only kill 12 civilian units or mission done.

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@ iceman77 thank you but can you make a little demo mission of your code.

@ Jshock not exactly what I need thank you for the link

Jshock I am using your Redressing Script (modified a little) with COS and EOS scripts in a few towns that west units needs to take back from ind units including a civilian population. West can only kill 12 civilian units or mission done.

I'm happy you found a use for my script :), would you mind PMing me your modifications, I would have no problem adding you in the thank you notes.

Sorry the other link didn't work out for your needs :p.

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it was no real big modifications lol I just made a large pool of civ types with more weapons to have but less military grade. I am trying to get them to respawn back into the towns with a dismiss waypoint if no west units are back into the towns like 20 minutes.

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