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Change AI back to normal mode

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I have a team that moves through a town whilst the players provide Overwatch. Sometimes however they engage in combat with AI the players have missed and it kind of screws up their behavior long term. I am more than happy for them to engage in the initial gun fight though.

I am wondering what the most efficient method is for them to reevaluate their situation after a given amount of time and then return to their WP path through the town. Guess with the right commands I could under a trigger.

My question is two fold;

1. Can you reset their behavior or reevaluate after a given amount of time

2. Is it possible to capture an event which triggers as them being under fire. That way they could make a radio call to the players that they need help and are under fire???


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For #2 you could use a FiredNear EH.

Here is the page to see what all the parameters for the EH are: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#FiredNear

Here is my best example (put this in the group leader's init of the group being overwatched by your players):

this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", {(_this select 0) sideChat "We are under fire, requesting assistance!"; } ];

As far as #1, my complicated process I'm seeing in my head is an array of waypoints defined for the units, as they are completed they are removed from the array, but have a while loop check every 10-15 seconds to make sure they are on path and if not correct them to the first waypoint that was left incomplete from the array. But that hurts my head when thinking about it so hopefully someone else can cover that :p.

Edited by JShock

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Ok whats still the problem here. I just tested AI behaviour and using _group setcombatmode "blue" makes them uninterested in any possible enemy contact.They then return to waympoint navigation for me at this point.

I'm trying to help you here. When your friendly group doesnt return to waypoint navigation, are there still hostiles remaining anywhere else in the area? I'm trying to understand what behaviour youre trying for and what the mission environment is like.

Edited by Benargee

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I played through my mission too many times. Some of those times, when the BLU force I am over watching for is engaged, they seem to stay for an unrealistic time at whatever point it is before progressing along their path. I was just looking to get them to reevaluate their situation quicker than normal. I want them to engage if they have to, but just return to the path quicker if clear to do so.

Any clearer?


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Hey, I have a few ideas that I tried. I need to know exactly what the ai is thinking at that moment. Like are they aware of enemy and being cautious? i made a small little script to find a groups current behaviour. Do you mind uploading the mission so i can try to see whats up?

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