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Create waypoint on Trigger

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I did a search but only came up with syncing waypoints with triggers which I already know. I am trying to get an Extraction waypoint for the player to only activate and become visible(instruction to) the player when a certain trigger is fired.

Any assistance greatly appreciated

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Don't make it hard on yourself. If your extraction waypoint is going to be the very last one in the mission (you're not going to throw in any surprises like the boat/heli gets blown up and the players need to fight to a new extraction) you can use

deleteWaypoint [GROUPNAME, all];
GROUPNAME addWaypoint [POSITION, 0, 1, "Extraction"];
//not sure if "Extraction" will have the effect I think it will, but throw it in there and let me know.

deleteWaypoint (read notes too), addWaypoint

Actually, you can use this code even if you want to throw in a surprise like the extraction vehicle get's blown up. >>>setWaypointPosition<<<

Edited by DreadedEntity

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