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Bushmaster ACR

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One question, magnifiers can be set with 3.4x and 4x scopes?

You can´t animate, but you can toggle a x4 magnifier using MRT accessories script/addon - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181338-MRT-Accessory-Functions

BTW, your ACR is awesome, hope to see it ingame soon!


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;2781657']You can´t animate' date=' but you can toggle a x4 magnifier using MRT accessories script/addon - [url']http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181338-MRT-Accessory-Functions[/url]

BTW, your ACR is awesome, hope to see it ingame soon!


Could be functional, and also the charging handle on my model is very small, i was confused with that part.

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