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Waypoint Load Function Problem

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Hi, I have problem with the load waypoint function.

It seems that the waypoint is completed to quickly before my units even get in the car, thus the vehicle starts moving to its destination too early. When tested with units on the ground it works fine. My squad is being transported to the car by a helicopter that completes the waypoints to quickly. I tried using a -0.5 completion radius but no luck.

This thread contains a syntax solution to the problem, upon trying this the car just sits there when we have loaded.

Any help on this problem would be greatly appreciated.

- Strannix

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Make sure that the vehicle has the "Load" waypoint and the group leader of your squad has a "Get In" waypoint, and make sure those two waypoints are synchronized. Same goes for the unloading, vehicle with "Transport Unload" and group leader with "Get Out" both synchronized. You can put whatever waypoints in-between the loading and unloading points for the vehicle, i.e. the move points to move to the LZ/DZ.

You may want to also make sure, if you have the control over it, that your group leader gets in last, and gets out last, to ensure that the vehicle stays there until the synced unit has gotten in/out.

Edited by JShock

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This worked perfect, thanks!...

Any idea on how to show all editor objects inside the game map?

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What do you mean show all editor objects inside the game map?

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What do you mean show all editor objects inside the game map?

All the objects ive placed in the editor, I would like to be shown in the game worlds map.

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As in a marker on the location of the objects on the map?

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Yeah, E.G... I placed an empty plane, I would like it to show in the games map that there is a plane there.

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This is by no means exact, and probably has some issues, but will get you going on the right path:


_objpos = getPos _x;

_objmrk = createMarker ["Marker1", _objpos];

_objmrk setMarkerShape "ICON";
_objmrk setMarkerType "DOT";

_objmrk setMarkerText format ["%1", typeOf _x];

} forEach (allMissionObjects "");

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In A3 the marker types have different names so dot would be mil_dot" also you may want to add a number to the marker so you get more than one.


_objpos = getPos _x;

_objmrk = createMarker ["Marker"+str _inc, _objpos];

_objmrk setMarkerShape "ICON";
_objmrk setMarkerType "MIL_DOT";

_objmrk setMarkerText format ["%1", typeOf _x];

} forEach (allMissionObjects "");

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I ran the above code in a sqf with the group leaders init but no luck. Need to get all military hardware on the island as revealed in a units map.

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You can either put the code directly in the init.sqf, or place a call to your script in the init.sqf, see if that solves the issue.

EDIT: I got it to work my side, with a small change:


_objpos = getPos _x; 

_objmrk = createMarker ["Marker"+str _inc, _objpos]; 

_objmrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; 
_objmrk setMarkerType "MIL_DOT"; 

_objmrk setMarkerText format ["%1", typeOf _x];
} forEach vehicles;//<<<<The original allMissionObjects placed a marker on a lot of other things....

Edited by JShock

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It works, except it wasn't quite the result I expected and does indeed list all of the objects in the game world map. What im looking for is so that game map looks like mission editor map with all object placed down, mainly so that players have an idea of whats stationed around them when they enter the game world.

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It works, except it wasn't quite the result I expected and does indeed list all of the objects in the game world map. What im looking for is so that game map looks like mission editor map with all object placed down, mainly so that players have an idea of whats stationed around them when they enter the game world.

So your talking more of the actual image used in the editor for said objects (like the yellowish colored ones for empty vehicles), and if so, getting that to work is out of my scope of knowledge.

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