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How to setVehicleAmmo to remote vehicles

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What exactly are you trying to do? I think you'll just have to write a script and attach it to each vehicle to execute it locally.

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You could try this:

if(cursorTarget isKindOf "Car") then {[cursorTarget, {_this setVehicleAmmo 1;}, owner cursorTarget, false, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;};
//where cursorTarget is the car you are aiming at

But as I don't know whether the "owner" command works in this case, I agree with DreadedEntity as it depends on the actual scenario.

Maybe, you could also be interested in the setAmmo command. The vehicle has to be local to your client, but the result of this command will be broadcast through the network.

Edited by waltenberg

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You could try this:

Maybe, you could also be interested in the setAmmo command. The vehicle has to be local to your client, but the result of this command will be broadcast through the network.

...but this is the problem. I would like the argument to be global (not local to the client) just like https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDamage but a for setVehicleAmmo.

Does setVehicleAmmoDef have global arguments?

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Can't tell as my No. 1 source is the BIKI as well. :j:

But why don't you simply create global vehicles only. If you don't explicitly use "createVehicleLocal", your vehicle is global and you don't have to worry about this whole issue.

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Try this:

if (local (_this select 0)) then {
	(_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo (_this select 1);
} else {
	[_this,"SVAGLOBAL",_this select 0,FALSE] call BIS_fnc_MP;


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Thanks Das, this works!...even though I don't fully understand all of it.

Does _this in [_this,"SVAGLOBAL",_this select 0,FALSE] call BIS_fnc_MP;...mean the entire function "SVAGLOBAL"?

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"_this" is the arguments ( which are in the format [VEHICLENAME,1])

Basically this is a recursive function. Recursion is quite cool like in art and acronyms:



The function checks if the unit is local and sets the ammo.

If it isn't local, it executes the function again where it is local via bis_fnc_mp.

Hope that helps.

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It does, thanks!

Handy little script for "simulating" a local object thant can have multiple uses.

Thanks again.

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