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How to deduct bleed tickets using BIS_fnc_bleedTickets

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HI All,

Not sure if anyone has played with BIS_fnc_bleedTickets, but I want to deduct an certain number of bleed tickets from a player everytime they respawn.

I'm still playing around with it but wondering if anyone has tried this yet?



Author: Karel Moricky

Initialize ticket bleeding. Works with sector modules.
When a side holds majority of sectors, other non-friendly sides will start losing respawn tickets (set by BIS_fnc_respawnTickets)

"dominantSideChanged" scripted event handler (see BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler) is called every time the dominant side changes.

	0 (Optional): ARRAY of SIDEs - involved sides. Setting empty array will terminate ticket bleeding (default: all sides)
	1 (Optional): NUMBER - dominance ratio in range 0-1, i.e., how large portion of sectors must a side hold for others to start bleeding (default: 0.5)
	2 (Optional): NUMBER - how many tickets will be bled every step during full dominance (default: 3)
	3 (Optional): NUMBER - delay in seconds between every bleeding step (default: 5)


if !(isserver) exitwith {"BIS_fnc_bleedTickets can run only on server" call bis_fnc_error; false};

private ["_sides","_ticketBleedRatio","_ticketBleedMax","_delay","_sidesFiltered"];
_sides = [_this,0,missionnamespace getvariable ["bis_fnc_bleedTickets_sides",[east,west,resistance]],[[]]] call bis_fnc_param;
_ticketBleedRatio = [_this,1,missionnamespace getvariable ["bis_fnc_bleedTickets_ticketBleedRatio",0.5],[0]] call bis_fnc_param;
_ticketBleedMax = [_this,2,missionnamespace getvariable ["bis_fnc_bleedTickets_ticketBleedMax",3],[0]] call bis_fnc_param;
_delay = [_this,3,5,[0]] call bis_fnc_param;

//--- Remove duplicates and elements which are not sides
_sidesFiltered = [];
if (typename _x == typename sideunknown) then {
	if !(_x in _sidesFiltered) then {_sidesFiltered set [count _sidesFiltered,_x];};
} foreach _sides;
bis_fnc_bleedTickets_sides = _sidesFiltered;

//--- Announce
bis_fnc_bleedTickets_enabled = count _sides > 0;
publicvariable "bis_fnc_bleedTickets_enabled";

//--- Terminate existing loop
if !(isnil "bis_fnc_bleedTickets_loop") then {terminate bis_fnc_bleedTickets_loop;};

//--- Execute bleeding loop
if (bis_fnc_bleedTickets_enabled) then {
bis_fnc_bleedTickets_loop = [_ticketBleedRatio,_ticketBleedMax,_delay] spawn {

	_ticketBleedRatio = _this select 0;
	_ticketBleedMax = _this select 1;
	_delay = _this select 2;
	_dominantSide = sideunknown;

	while {true} do {
		_sectors = true call bis_fnc_moduleSector;
		_ticketBleedSectorLimit = count _sectors * _ticketBleedRatio;
		if (_ticketBleedSectorLimit != 0) then {
			_dominantSideOld = _dominantSide;		
			_dominantSide = sideunknown;
			_dominantSideRatio = 0;

			//--- Get sector status
			_sides = +(missionnamespace getvariable ["bis_fnc_bleedTickets_sides",[east,west,resistance,civilian]]);
				_side = _x;
				_sideTickets = _side call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;
				if (_sideTickets < 0) then {
					_sides set [_foreachindex,sideunknown]; //--- Remove sides without tickets
				} else {
					_sideSectorsCount = _side call bis_fnc_moduleSector;
					if(_sideSectorsCount > _ticketBleedSectorLimit) then {
						_dominantSide = _side;
						_dominantSideRatio = (_sideSectorsCount - _ticketBleedSectorLimit) / _ticketBleedSectorLimit;
			} foreach _sides;
			_sides = _sides - [sideunknown];

			//--- Tickets bleeding
			_sectorTicketBleedRatio = -_ticketBleedMax * _dominantSideRatio;
			if (_sectorTicketBleedRatio != 0) then {
					_side = _x;
					if (_side != _dominantSide && _dominantSide != sideunknown) then {
						[_side,_sectorTicketBleedRatio] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;
				} foreach _sides;

			//--- Call custom code when the dominance changes
			if (_dominantSide != _dominantSideOld) then {
				[missionnamespace,"dominantSideChanged",[_dominantSide,_dominantSideOld,_sides]] spawn bis_fnc_callScriptedEventHandler;

		_time = time + _delay;
		waituntil {time > _time};

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Use BIS_fnc_respawnTickets

Example, where 10 tickets are deducted form player's side:

[side player,-10] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;

THanks Moricky,

When I use

[side player,-10] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;

(or any negative value) the bleed tickets are immediately reduced from 500 (my default setting) to 0, and the game is forced to end.

When I use

[side player,-1, TRUE] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;

the bleed tickets are reduced from 500 to 499, then 498, 497...etc.


Adjust number of respawn tickets. When player dies, the number is automatically decreased by 1;
When number of tickets reaches 0, player's respawn is disabled.

		NAMESPACE, SIDE, GROUP or OBJECT - tickets space (e.g., it's possible to define two different ticket numbers for each side)
		BOOL - true to return number of tickets in all spaces (used for returning value only, won't set anything)
		ARRAY - return losing space from the passed list (elements can be of type NAMESPACE, SIDE, GROUP or OBJECT)
	1: NUMBER - by how much will the ticket count be adjusted
	2 (Optional): BOOL - true to autodetect tickets space. First param have to be an object. Used for modifying player's current tickets.

	NUMBER - remaining tickets after adjustment (-1 when no tickets were defined yet)
	ARRAY - when array was used as an argument, returned value is [<losingSpace>,<tickets>]

private ["_varName","_varTotal","_input"];
_varName = "BIS_fnc_respawnTickets_value";
_varTotal = _varName + "total";

if (typename _this != typename []) then {_this = [_this];};
_input = [_this,0,objnull,[objnull,[],missionnamespace,sideunknown,grpnull,objnull,true]] call bis_fnc_param;

//--- On respawn
if (count _this > 3) exitwith {
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _input;
if (!isnull _unit && !isplayer _unit) exitwith {["Attempting to use the function on AI unit %1, can be used only on players."] call bis_fnc_error; 0};

private ["_respawnDelay"];
_respawnDelay = [_this,3,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param;

if !(alive _unit) then {
	private ["_deathTime","_respawnDisabled","_tickets"];
	_deathTime = time;
	_respawnDisabled = false;

	//--- Decrease number of tickets (only when simulation is enabled, which is not the case in forced respawn)
	if (simulationenabled _unit) then {
		[_unit,-1,true] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;

	//--- Death
	while {!alive player && !isnull player} do {
		_tickets = [_unit,0,true] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;
		if (_tickets == 0) then {
			if !(_respawnDisabled) then {
				_respawnDisabled = true;
				setplayerrespawntime 1e10;
		} else {
			if (_respawnDisabled) then {
				_respawnDisabled = false;
				setplayerrespawntime ((_respawnDelay - (time - _deathTime)) max 1);
		sleep 1;
} else {
	//--- Respawn
	_oldUnit = [_this,1,0,[objnull,0]] call bis_fnc_param;
	if !(isnull _oldUnit) then {
		[_unit,-1,true] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;

	setplayerrespawntime _respawnDelay;

switch (typename _input) do {
case (typename missionnamespace);
case (typename sideunknown);
case (typename grpnull);
case (typename objnull);
case (typename true): {
	//private ["_respawnTemplates"];
	//_respawnTemplates = getarray (missionconfigfile >> "respawnTemplates");
	//if ({_x == "Tickets"} count _respawnTemplates == 0) exitwith {"""Tickets"" respawn template not used in the mission, cannot use respawn tickets." call bis_fnc_error; 0};

	private ["_target","_value","_autodetect","_tickets"];

	_target = _input;
	_value = round ([_this,1,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param);
	_autodetect = [_this,2,false,[false]] call bis_fnc_param;

	if (typename _target == typename true) exitwith {
		missionnamespace getvariable [_varTotal,-1]

	if (_autodetect) exitwith {
		_target = [_this,0,player,[objnull,true]] call bis_fnc_param;
		_target = switch true do {
			case !(isnil {_target getvariable _varName}): {_target};
			case !(isnil {(group _target) getvariable _varName}): {group _target};
			case !(isnil {missionnamespace getvariable (_varName + str (_target call bis_fnc_objectSide))}): {_target call bis_fnc_objectSide};
			case !(isnil {missionnamespace getvariable (_varName)}): {missionnamespace};
			default {false};
		if (typename _target == typename false) exitwith {
			//"No respawn tickets defined, use BIS_fnc_respawnTickets to add some." call bis_fnc_error;
		[_target,_value] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;

	//--- Update the tickets count
	_tickets = -1;
	switch (typename _target) do {
		case (typename missionnamespace);
		case (typename sideunknown): {
			if (typename _target == typename sideunknown) then {_varName = _varName + str _target; _target = missionnamespace;};
			_tickets = _target getvariable [_varName,-1];
			if (_value != 0) then {
				_tickets = _tickets max 0;
				_tickets = (_tickets + _value) max 0;
				_target setvariable [_varName,_tickets];
				publicvariable _varName;
		case (typename grpnull);
		case (typename objnull): {
			_tickets = _target getvariable [_varName,-1];
			if (_value != 0) then {
				_tickets = _tickets max 0;
				_tickets = (_tickets + _value) max 0;
				_target setvariable [_varName,_tickets,true];

	//--- Update total tickets count (used for measuring whether there are any tickets left at all)
	if (_value != 0) then {
		private ["_ticketsTotal"];
		_ticketsTotal = missionnamespace getvariable [_varTotal,0];
		_ticketsTotal = (_ticketsTotal + _value) max 0;
		_ticketsTotal = missionnamespace setvariable [_varTotal,_ticketsTotal];
		publicvariable _varTotal;

		//--- Tickets exhaused - trigger a scripted event
		if (_tickets == 0) then {
			[[missionnamespace,"respawnTicketsExhausted",[_target]],"bis_fnc_callscriptedeventhandler",false] call bis_fnc_mp;

case (typename []): {
	private ["_minTickets","_target"];
	_minTickets = 1e10;
	_target = sideunknown;
		private ["_tickets"];
		_tickets = _x call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;
		if (_tickets < _minTickets && _tickets >= 0) then {
			_target = _x;
			_minTickets = _tickets;
	} foreach _input;
	if (_target == sideunknown) then {_minTickets = -1;};

Edited by BEAKSBY

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Hi guys I am having a bit of trouble with tickets as well. I set up a Sector Control map and am using the spawn AI module to send AI to attack each sector. My trouble is when I (being on west side) kill a AI (being on east side) it doesn't take away a ticket. I used an eventhandler but I don't think they get included because they are spawned with the Spawn AI module. Basically is there a way for me to apply this logic to AI when they are killed or spawned with the module?

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id like to see this work per kill, instead of once bleed tickets is activated it just continues negitive scoring till mission ends,

ie: 100 kills ends the game . instead of it being a timer.. (would be awesome on DM)

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