legolasindar 3 Posted August 27, 2014 (edited) With the code showGPS = 0 in the description.ext you can disable the GPS (minimap). But it is posible make and addon? What is the code? Thanks alls. My community use other GPS systems more realistics, for this reason i try to disable GPS with an addon UPDATE I not search remove the GPS item from the soldiers, my intention is disable or hide the GPS from the normal view. Edited August 29, 2014 by Legolasindar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted August 28, 2014 Just make sure you remove ALL GPS from inventory, and that no crates contain a GPS. As long as no other troops spawn with GPS, that could be looted, you will be fine. No need for a fancy addon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
legolasindar 3 Posted August 28, 2014 Do not look for that, what I want is that despite having the GPS, we do not see the GPS (tomtom). I can not depend on any soldier, AI or human, whether or not having the GPS, would force me to edit all missions soldier by soldier. What you propose has nothing to do with my idea, but thanks also for the suggestion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
captainclaw 10 Posted August 29, 2014 I think it would be as simple as making a function that starts on mission start, and that uses the code Player removeItem "Gps"; I will pm you an idea of what to do Claw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mistyronin 1181 Posted August 29, 2014 With the code showGPS = 0 in the description.ext you can disable the GPS (minimap). But it is posible make and addon? What is the code? Thanks alls. No hi acabo de veure el punt al tema. Vull dir, no crec que sigui la finalitat d'un addon corretgir el que pots fer amb una simple linea de codi, si no m'equivoco depen més de la configuració de la missió que de les unitats en si. Concloent, no se si serà possible, però ho considero poc eficient. Salut company! - - - I don't see much the idea of the request. I mean, I don't believe that is the addon's goal to correct things that can be solved with a simple line of code; if I'm not wrong it's more a mission setup issue than a unit one. I don't know if its possible, but in any case it's not the efficient way to do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lappihuan 178 Posted August 29, 2014 { _x removeItem "ItemGPS"; } forEach allUnits; put that in your init.sqf and if you don't spawn in units during mission runtime, ther will not be any gps on any unit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
legolasindar 3 Posted August 29, 2014 No hi acabo de veure el punt al tema. Vull dir, no crec que sigui la finalitat d'un addon corretgir el que pots fer amb una simple linea de codi, si no m'equivoco depen més de la configuració de la missió que de les unitats en si.Concloent, no se si serà possible, però ho considero poc eficient. Salut company! - - - I don't see much the idea of the request. I mean, I don't believe that is the addon's goal to correct things that can be solved with a simple line of code; if I'm not wrong it's more a mission setup issue than a unit one. I don't know if its possible, but in any case it's not the efficient way to do it. Amb un addon pots canviar el HUD de les aeronaus per un altre, o fer que no aparegui el numero de bales que resten al carregador a l'indicador de dalt, com ja fan alguns addons. Doncs la meva intenció es eliminar el GPS tipus TomTom, perque la gent no ho pugui fer servir, ja que es massa fà cil orientar-se amb això, i en canvi faci servir GPS militars tipus DAGR o SMGR. Si es mes complicat o menys ho desconec completament, per això ho pregunto. - - - With an addon, you can change the HUD of the aircraft to another, or do not see the number of bullets remaining in the magazing indicator above, as do some addons. Well, my intention was to eliminate the TomTom GPS type, for people can not use because it is too easy to orient with this, and instead uses military GPS type DAGR SMGR. If more or less complicated, I do not know completely, so I wonder ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites